The Cairns Post

On other matters


Re: the airport upgrade Why not look at a light rail above the ground to the city. People would get a real experience then. Alan, Bentley Park It’s time we had an arched monorail along Sheridan St. From Edmonton to Palm Cove (stage one). Take a train, leave the car at home. Norm, Cairns Tom Gleeson’s satire on Cairns was free advertisin­g for north Queensland Tourism. Reverse psychology can work as a positive and create great publicity which it did in this case. Thanks Tom, you got what you wanted ... “controvers­y” and Cairns tourism will also benefit. Progressiv­e, Cairns Bewildered (CP 12/7) we’d rather have a coal-fired power station in Tolga than a wind factory. It would provide reliable power while enriching the air with lifegiving CO2, unlike wind factories which are unreliable and murder birds. Miss T, Tolga Why do we have one large and one small wheelie bin provided in the Cassowary Coast precinct when there is no recycling in motion? It would make more sense to supply two bins of the same size. M, Innisfail. Easy to tell it’s school holidays ... very little traffic and no litter. Greg, Manunda What was the “scandal” about the Barnaby Joyce “love-child” (CP, 12/7)? That he broke up with his first wife? Or that he didn’t have his child murdered? Joyce should have been applauded, not vilified. Woz, Parramatta Park Why haven’t they banned plastic water bottles? Archa, Caravonica I guess football isn’t coming home after all. Don’t worry, you English folk won’t have to travel too far to visit it. Lionel, Cairns

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