The Cairns Post

Abortion bill is inhumane


THE new proposed late-term abortion bill due to be voted on in October is a travesty for Queensland women and children. I cannot believe that in a society that protects many animals we do not have the same regard for human life.

Science has now clearly shown us that a baby in utero feels pain at just eight weeks. Some of the new bill says: Abortion for any reason whatsoever up to 22 weeks gestation, including sexselecti­on abortion.

Abortion past 22 weeks to birth, if two doctors consent, one of these doesn’t even have to see the woman or her file.

Zero safeguards for women considerin­g abortion, no cooling-off periods, no informed consent conditions and no independen­t counsellin­g.

I am a Christian feminist and I know my views are seen as anti-women’s rights, but how can the killing of the unborn be seen as a right?

Surely people can see this is effectivel­y condoning infanticid­e — wanted babies are cherished while unwanted are discarded.

Pregnancy is not an inconvenie­nce, it is a state of being that demands responsibi­lity.

If a child is unwanted then there are so many people who cannot have children who would gladly adopt and/or provide for a woman during pregnancy.

If you agree with me please contact your state MP and tell them why you don’t want them to pass this bill. Vikki Blyth, Redlynch

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