The Cairns Post

The right trigger is needed


IT is hard not to be inspired by reading Darlene Williams’ extraordin­ary story of weight loss and building a healthier lifestyle.

I have never been a “large” person – to be honest I am one of those despicable types who basically eats what they want and doesn’t pack on the kilos.

Much of that I figure has to be down to genetics, but there is also an element which can attributed to my rather active lifestyle.

I am well and truly into my 40s and though I do less exercise than I did when I was in my 20s, I still play sport every week and as my partner points out, I am always up to something outdoors – often in the garden digging holes, building retaining walls, pruning and planting.

Being active is a habit, as is being dormant.

Like all habits, they can be broken, sometimes it just takes the right trigger.

For Darlene it was her son who finally gave her the push she needed to get her off “the couch all day”.

If a change has positives for our children, such adopting a healthier lifestyle, then we should be striving to make them.

I may not be a person who struggles with my weight, but I know many people who face this very real challenge each day. I know that it is not just a matter of getting up, being active and eating healthy, it takes immense will power to make a change.

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