The Cairns Post



- ANDREA FALVO­ost­ost

THE stepfather of murder victim Toyah Cordingley has shared the heartache of having the 24-year-old’s car returned home after several weeks of police examinatio­ns.

Darren Gardiner shared a series of five photos online, telling of the special memories and stories attached to each.

“Now that the police have finished with Toyah’s car it has been delivered on a tilt tray truck to our house,” he wrote.

“Normally she would pull up in the driveway and the dog would go nuts because it knew the attention it was going to receive from Toyah and having her come back home to visit us was always a special time for our family.

“But this has all changed now because six weeks ago she was walking her dog mid afternoon on Wangetti beach without a care in the world.

“But someone took it upon themselves to brutally murder her and bury her on the beach, pictured behind her in picture 2. Now all Vanessa and myself and Troy have physically of Toyah is a box with her ashes in it, picture 5, just because this person thought it was OK to steal her life in a senseless act, let that sink in.”

Mr Gardiner thanked all those who have Toyah awareness bumper stickers and signs displayed in the hope that it will encourage anyone with informatio­n on the horror incident to come forward.

“Personally I don’t believe that no one knows nothing, (it) seems impossible, to me someone knows something, willingly or unwillingl­y,” he said.

“So every sticker, sign, news story has to be getting to someone, especially the person who has done this.

“So I hope through all this, it is starting to put some pressure on some people to do the right thing and help us get the only thing left for us and Toyah and that’s some justice.

“So we thank every single person who displays a sticker, shares a story and keeps this all going in the hope we can end this part of this nightmare.”

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 ??  ?? HIGH POINT: Toyah Cordingley when she got her driving licence.
HIGH POINT: Toyah Cordingley when she got her driving licence.

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