The Cairns Post

On other matters


Therese May is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. A total sellout to the 17 million English voters who voted over two years ago to leave the European Union. People are so sick and tired of politician­s that continue to lie and deceive. Eventually the people will revolt. What other option will they have? The Cane Cutter, Edmonton CRC have destroyed the village feel of Holloways Beach esplanade. Parking has been taken away and the one-way road has forced people to park on the apex of corners from Oleander St through to Luke St. More concrete and bitumen, less green space. Councillor Jessie Richardson refuses to reply to emails. David, Holloways Beach With the current and extended heatwave Ergon, as the only supplier, must be laughing all the way to the bank. Will FNQ residents receive a bonus for their use? Dorothy, Stratford Re: Mr Turnbull. I was speaking to my dear 90-year-old mum yesterday, who was a supporter and fan of Mr Turnbull. “What a disappoint­ment and nasty, nasty little man he has shown to be. I feel embarrasse­d to have stood up for him at the CWA,” she said. God bless our ladies at CWA. Her comments really nail it. Paul, Cairns City Yesterday’s weather (CP, 4/12) reminded us that thundersto­rms hoover up heat and spit it out at the top of the atmosphere. 14 degrees of heat were sucked away in just minutes at the BOM station at Mareeba airport. Thundersto­rms and cyclones are nature’s giant automatic thermostat­s and are why the Earth cannot ever overheat as long as there is water at the equator. Greenies who say it will overheat due to “carbon” are wrong and don’t understand basic physics. Higgs, Tolga Scientists set sail on extended Great Barrier Reef cruise (CP, 4/12), all at taxpayers’ expense. You can see why universiti­es are crowded with people wanting to tell a scary story about the Reef. Pterodacty­l Trev, Cairns

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