The Cairns Post

On other matters


Re: police taskforce (CP, 08/01). Queensland has a well resourced police force to deal with all types of criminal activity. Laws that provide justice without dictatorsh­ip and laws like prohibitio­n of firearms. CCTV cameras have revolution­ised dealing with petty and juvenile crime in our cities, towns and suburbs. The real problem is the deaths and injuries on our roads. Local, Cairns

A recent study shows 3,551,760 more votes were cast in the 2016 US elections than there are living adults in the US. They, and us, need voter ID to protect true democracy. Republican, Kanimbla

Clearly there is an election in the wind if Rob Hill is starting to be vocal. People can look for him standing shoulder to shoulder with GetUp! on polling day. Bob, Smithfield

David Holloways (CP, 10/01). At least the ALP funded the overpasses and upgrades to highway to Edmonton. Warren Entsch promised this for 11 years. Same with electricit­y, ring roads, insurance etc. All talk. It’s time to get a younger local member who cares. Trevor, Park Ridge

On Sunday the BOM predicted heavy rain periods and flooding risk for the North Tropical Coast and Tablelands for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. How nice for them to have jobs where they still get paid when they’re frequently and spectacula­rly wrong. Miss T, Tolga

Re: Esplanade closure. Before any permanent decision why not close it for a period of six weeks on a temporary basis when no events are on, after which you can assess the pros and cons for the Esplanade and rest of CBD. Tony, Cairns

Have the Democrats in America ever heard of the Great Wall of China? Hadrians Wall? The Vatican Wall? Obama’s Wall? Pelosi’s Wall? The hypocrisy from the left is staggering. The Cane Cutter, Edmonton

I’m not going to make a fortune or sell many books Karen Brooks. My ‘recipe’ for wellness is consume less sugar, drink lots of tap water and go for a halfhour brisk walk daily. Pretty boring stuff, hey. Beth, Kanimbla

Loss of confidence in the property sector (CP, 10/01) is long overdue. Artificial­ly low interest rates have created one hell of a bubble. That was done to prop up the immigratio­n/property Ponzi scheme, which props up fake GDP. If you have mortgage stress now, sell now. Tomorrow may be too late. Shano, Whitfield

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