The Cairns Post

Climate catastroph­arians


ENOUGH is enough with the climate change crapola.

Everything we buy is more expensive because of it, especially electricit­y and insurance. Much of the tax we pay is wasted on it, for no verifiable gains.

The big emitters, China, India, Russia and the US, are doing nothing about it.

Nothing tiny Australia does, as 0.32 per cent of the world population, can have any effect on it.

The science it relies on has been falsified, but it has evolved into a religion.

It has displaced Christiani­ty as the most popular Western faith.

It has infiltrate­d our institutio­ns and has our government in its virtue-signalling thrall.

We all pay it large tithes and indulgence­s, whether we believe in it or not.

Would we tolerate Islam, Sikhism or Catholicis­m garnisheei­ng 20 per cent of our taxes and 10 per cent of our takehome pay?

Then why on God’s ever-greener Earth do we tolerate it from the climate catastroph­arians? Peter Campion, Tolga

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