The Cairns Post

On pill testing


Music festival organisers provide music, drug dealers provide drugs, people know drugs are dangerous and illegal but choose to take them anyway and sometimes suffer the ultimate penalty. Why should the taxpayer or the organisers fund drug testing for an illegal activity? The message it sends is that it’s OK to take drugs when it’s not. The organisers do all they can to prevent the entry of drugs with sniffer dogs and searches, an added cost to them, all because of the actions of a few. Pill testing is the dumbest idea ever. What happens if someone takes a ‘tested’ pill and dies? Will they sue the organisers? Pure lunacy. Beth, Kanimbla in those countries. Then they can achieve effective rule of law and people won’t need to flee. Sally, Park Ridge Booze warning. A fine for drinking alcohol in public. Please police Rainy Mountain Park, adjacent to the Smithfield Shopping Centre, from 9.30am. Plenty of revenue to be made. Drinkwater, Smithfield Robert, (CP, 16/01). Labor can blow every penny in the bank when they get elected, can put us so far in debt it takes Liberals years to clear it only to go straight back in debt again under Labor. But they can’t stop a subsidy? Bill, Mooroobool The Morrison LNP government’s cuts to health budget (Medicare rebates) is putting pressure on bulk-billing by private doctors. Our public hospital emergency department­s are struggling to deal with the ramificati­ons of these cuts. Family Man, Cairns Does the person who texts as “Progressiv­e” know that word is synonymous with “socialist”? Also “communist” and “fascist”? Does he know that whatever it’s called, socialism always fails? See Venezuela for a recent example. They’ve already eaten their cats and dogs and it ain’t over yet. Woz, Parramatta Park Advance Australia survey finds just 19% of Green voters support Australia Day. Not surprising. Green voters are global socialists. They detest national sovereignt­y. Max, Gordonvale It is noted that a survey taken of Australian­s overwhelmi­ngly rejected the change of date of Australia Day. The Mareeba Shire Council has their Australia Day Awards and Citizenshi­p Ceremony on the Friday, the 25th of January. Why? Glad, Mareeba On President Trump. This one man has the leftist organisati­on in melt down as he leads his nation out of haze of PC minority. Trump will be remembered as one of the rare greats, Lincoln, JFK, and Martin Luther King. Trump will stand tall in this company and taller against all his adversarie­s as history will record. Paul, Cairns City Bill, Mooroobool (CP, 15/01). You missed my point. Car making exists in countries which subsidise. When Abbott abolished subsidies, tens of thousands of our jobs were exported to these countries. Dozens of supply companies also closed. Some subsidies are vital to compete so look beyond your bias. M.G.B., Kanimbla Heights

 ??  ?? ACTIONS: A reader says pill testing is a dumb idea and questions what happens if someone takes a ‘tested’ pill and dies?
ACTIONS: A reader says pill testing is a dumb idea and questions what happens if someone takes a ‘tested’ pill and dies?
 ??  ??

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