The Cairns Post

Handy expiration date guide

Fair or fowl? How long does a barbecue chook really last in the fridge?


WE SPOKE with naturopath and nutritioni­st Jess Blair about what best before and use-by dates really mean, and how to keep the food in your fridge fresh.

What is the difference between best before and use by?

“The use-by date refers to when it’s safe to eat or consume up until,” Blair says.

“The best before date is more about the taste and quality of the food rather than a safety issue.”

What are the risks of eating out of date food?

“There are many risks depending on what food it is. If you are eating anything like meat, milk or fish that are past their useby date you can contract food poisoning,” Blair says.

Can I freeze food like raw meat and defrost it to eat after its use-by date? How long will it last in the freezer?

“Yes, you can eat meat after its use-by date if you defrost it and have it that day,” Blair says. “Meat varies depending on the cut. Four months would be my maximum.”

When should we throw out canned food?

“Most canned food can last one-and-a-half years. Fish, vegetables and low-acidic canned goods can last up to five years,” Blair says. “Always check the use-by or best-by dates. Also, check the cans look similar to when you bought them and don’t have any holes in them, or are swollen.”

What is the best way to store vegies and how long can they stay in the fridge?

“All vegetables should be stored differentl­y. For example, carrots should be stored with moisture and the ends cut off to keep them fresh, whereas potatoes should be in a dark cupboard, out of the plastic bag they came in,” Blair says.

How long will it last before I have to throw it out?

Blair shares her advice for some of the most common perishable fridge foods.

COOKED CHICKEN: If the chicken is covered properly and refrigerat­ed, you can eat it three to four days later. CHEESE: Should be straight in the fridge once opened and stored in the vegetable crisper part of your fridge where it is cold and stable. A good idea to keep your cheese fresh is using a wax paper cover.

YOGHURT: Opened yoghurt is best consumed within five to seven days. Sealed yoghurt should be consumed by the expiration use-by date. SALSA AND DIPS: Once opened, salsa can last up to two weeks if refrigerat­ed properly and stored in an airtight container.

Dips vary, however. Once opened, they should be refrigerat­ed and covered with the original cover for up to five to seven days.

For more expert tips, visit

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