The Cairns Post

On federal politics


First-home buyers are pushed aside by someone who is looking to buy their fifth negatively-geared home. Let’s just have a level playing field without tax-dodging incentives for people that have numerous homes negative geared. It won’t apply to new homes or units in Labor’s policy to end negative gearing. Family Man, Cairns I find it offensive Bill Shorten has the hide to accuse the government of scare tactics over border security. All this from the man who oversaw Mediscare. Bob, Smithfield Androo Ryan. In a society where politician­s administer the will of the people, they cannot be blamed for the results. People who make poor choices, and voters, need to be held accountabl­e. In fact virtue signallers and activists have more power than politician­s in this country, and they will destroy nonconform­ing politician­s. And, for many in our population, as long as someone else “pays”, they don‘t care. Joanne, Mt Sheridan First, Mathias Cormann billed taxpayers thousands for a romantic weekend with his wife at Broome races. Now we find out Helloworld (a major Liberal donor) funded a Cormann family holiday to Singapore at the same time Helloworld signed a multimilli­on-dollar contract for services to Cormann’s finance dept. Cormann said he didn’t know. Seriously? We need a royal commission into the Liberal government. Trevor, Park Ridge is good, delivers the carcass to the greenies down the street. Woz, Parramatta Park Re: CPAC … sounds like a medical device. I agree it needs a new name. DB, Bungalow Trump derangemen­t syndrome has reached new levels of insanity in the US. Jussie Smollett, a B Grade actor with strong Democrat ties, has faked his own assault by paying two others to pretend to be Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats and he’s been caught out in the scam. People like this need to be jailed for trying to start a race war that could kill thousands. Disgracefu­l. The Cane Cutter, Edmonton $200 per year. That’s how much the average household pays in subsidies for rooftop solar installati­ons. If renewables are cheaper, let them pay for themselves. End all renewable subsidies now. Mic, Cairns The milk-pricing outrage that destroyed so many dairying families (CP, 19/02) highlights the dangers of corporatis­m, aka crony-capitalism. The place for government is to set rules for honest trade, which all parties have failed to do with our supermarke­t oligopoly. Miss T, Tolga Re: speed cameras. They are there to make sure you don’t speed anywhere. Not revenue. But you don’t have to pay if you don’t speed. Simple. Alan, Bentley Park

 ??  ?? PRICING OUTRAGE: Supermarke­t giant Woolworths has announced it will no longer sell milk at $1 per litre, a move that will help local farmers.
PRICING OUTRAGE: Supermarke­t giant Woolworths has announced it will no longer sell milk at $1 per litre, a move that will help local farmers.
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