The Cairns Post

Boris poll warning

British PM threatens snap election if Labour wins Brexit delay


BORIS Johnson was last night expected to call an election if rebel politician­s won a delay of Brexit until January 31.

A group of rebel Conservati­ve MPs were warned against siding with Labour’s plans to push out Brexit beyond the current October 31 deadline.

Now Mr Johnson has reportedly warned he will go to a snap election if they succeed in halting his Brexit plans.

He made an extraordin­ary statement outside Number 10 Downing St in London early yesterday Australian time.

He said progress had been made in recent weeks because of his threats to leave without a deal on the scheduled date.

Drawing a line in the sand, Mr Johnson said he would never ask Brussels for a delay to Brexit.

“We’re leaving on the 31st of October, no ifs or buts,” he said. “I’m encouraged by the progress we have been making.

“They (the EU) can see that we want a deal, they can see that we have a clear vision ... they can see we are utterly determined.”

Mr Johnson warned MPs would derail a smooth Brexit if they voted to delay.

“If they do, they will plainly chop the legs out from under the UK position,” he said. “To show our friends in Brussels we are united, MPs should vote against (Labour leader Jeremy) Corbyn’s pointless delay.”

Following his speech, sources confirmed to The Sun newspaper that Mr Johnson would table a motion for an early election if rebels won.

He has previously warned anyone who voted against him would lose the right to contest their seat at the next election – effectivel­y saying “back me or you’re sacked”.

Mr Johnson’s highwire appeared wobbly early yesterday as Amber Rudd, a key government figure, warned against punishing rebel MPs.

An election could be held as early as October 14, before a crucial summit with the EU on October 17, making it almost a de facto second referendum.

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