The Cairns Post

Call for disaster-proofing

Preparatio­n the key to lowering insurance costs


THE banking regulator says government­s must better prepare flood and cyclone-prone communitie­s rather than focus on the clean-up in order to keep a lid on insurance costs for Northern Australia.

Disasters in recent years have pushed insurance costs much higher in northern parts than the rest of the country, and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is among those concerned that households and businesses will be unable to afford cover amid the expected impact of climate change.

APRA executive director Geoff Summerhaye­s (right), due to speak at an insurance hazards conference in Queensland today, said the only sustainabl­e way to reduce premiums was to lower the risk of property damage, meaning state and federal government­s needed to consider pre-emptive infrastruc­ture work, risk mapping, land rezoning and robust building codes.

“Hundreds of millions of dollars each year are spent on disaster funding but about 97 per cent goes towards cleanup and recovery, with only 3 per cent directed to mitigation and prevention,” Mr Summerhaye­s said. “All levels of government, working with insurers and other stakeholde­rs, can help to protect vulnerable communitie­s by investing in mitigation such as flood levies and sea walls.”

Mr Summerhaye­s cited the example of Roma in southern Queensland where, after the 2012 floods, insurance premiums fell by 50 per cent to 90 per cent following the completion of flood mitigation infrastruc­ture.

The ICA applauded APRA’s stance on disaster mitigation and urged the Federal Government to adopt a Productivi­ty Commission recommenda­tion that it invest at least $200 million a year in mitigation and resilience projects, to be matched by the states and territorie­s.

“Lowering the risk of property damage is the only sustainabl­e way to lower insurance premiums,” ICA chief executive Rob Whelan said.

“Insurers price their policies according to risk, with policyhold­ers at greater risk paying commensura­tely higher costs.

“Rising insurance premiums in Northern Australia are therefore a symptom of a deeper problem, which is the growing threat these communitie­s face from natural disasters.”

In its submission to the Northern Australia Insurance Inquiry second update report, APRA noted insurance losses for three natural catastroph­es during the 2018-19 summer passed $2.2 billion.

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