The Cairns Post

Challenge rule could stop the blame game


THE captain’s challenge could be the best new rule brought in by the NRL.

Footy players are among the worst for bagging refs and drawing any decision – big or small – into question.

But now, through their captain and this rule introducti­on, we’ll finally get to put their constant appeals and complainin­g to the ultimate test.

Officials are yet to announce how the system will work, but referees might finally be able to ask the likes of serial complainer (and closet ref, according to the internet fanbase) Cameron Smith to put their money where their mouths are and challenge the call.

It might introduce some minor delays to the game, but it should force players to finally concentrat­e on playing footy rather than arguing the decisions (and nondecisio­ns) made by the men and women in the middle with the whistle.

According to, teams will likely be allowed one incorrect call per half or per game.

It takes the pressure off referees in most instances, instead forcing players to trust their teammates. Their honesty becomes the major factor in choosing to challenge a referee’s decision.

If there’s no challenge, the players have accepted the call and move on.

Perhaps it will force a rethink from some coaches who regularly blame refs for their players’ losses.

Who knows – it might’ve saved a heap of headlines during this year’s grand final when the Raiders were robbed by the infamous sixagain call.

 ??  ?? DISPUTE: The Storm’s Cameron Smith gets sent to the sin bin.
DISPUTE: The Storm’s Cameron Smith gets sent to the sin bin.

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