The Cairns Post

Sanders edges to front of the pack


BERNIE Sanders has narrowly won New Hampshire’s Democratic presidenti­al primary, solidifyin­g his front-runner status in the nominating race and dealing a setback to moderate rival Joe Biden.

Moderate Pete Buttigieg, the 38-year-old former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, finished a close second after edging out Sanders in last week’s chaotic and disputed first nominating contest in Iowa.

Sanders, a progressiv­e senator from neighbouri­ng Vermont, prevailed after fending off attacks from rivals who warned his far-left views would lead the party to defeat in the November 3 election against Donald Trump.

“This victory here is the beginning of the end for Donald Trump,” Sanders said.

It was also a good night for Senator Amy Klobuchar, who rode a wave of momentum from a strong debate on Friday into third place.

Biden, the former vice president who was once front-runner in the race, limped into fifth. It was his second consecutiv­e poor finish after placing fourth in Iowa.

He is certain to face growing questions about his campaign’s viability and ability to consolidat­e moderate support.

He hopes to stay afloat until February 29 in South Carolina and a series of contests in other Southern states on Super Tuesday on March 3, where his support among African Americans will be a strength.

Without strong showings there, his race could be over.

“It ain’t over, man. It’s just getting started,” he told supporters in South Carolina.

US Senator Elizabeth Warren, a progressiv­e ally of Sanders and considered a favourite in New Hampshire three months ago, also had a bad night.

She finished fourth and also will face questions about her continued viability.

For Sanders, who won New Hampshire in 2016 with 60 per cent of the vote against eventual nominee Hillary Clinton, the results offered momentum but not the overwhelmi­ng win he had hoped for.

Exit polls showed he only won about two-thirds of his 2016 primary supporters.

The results began to thin the field of Democrats seeking the right to take on Trump in November.

Businessma­n Andrew Yang and Senator Michael Bennet dropped out after it became clear they would finish out of the running, while reports say former Massachuse­tts governor Deval Patrick will fold today.

The ballot did not include former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a billionair­e who is not competing in any states before the 14 Super Tuesday primaries on March 3.

Up next will be the February 22 caucuses in Nevada, which has a large Latino population, and the February 29 primary in South Carolina.

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