The Cairns Post

Two visitors allowed but only friends and family


A DUMMY’S guide to who can visit your home has been issued after three days of coronaviru­s confusion and another change that relaxes the rules for housebound Queensland­ers.

As picnic areas, swimming holes, walking trails, lookouts and four-wheel drive beaches become off-limits in escalating closures, a new directive will today be issued allowing households to invite over two visitors, so long as they’re close family or friends.

Premier Annastacia


emerged from a meeting yesterday to announce the visitor reversal that replaces Monday’s directive that families and share houses could not invite over visitors except for in specific circumstan­ces, and only people who lived alone could invite a friend around.

While insisting there should be no house parties and no large dinner parties and that people should exercise common sense, Ms Palaszczuk said Queensland­ers could invite two additional people into their homes. “A close friend or a relative, but they should be known to you,” she said.

Queensland­ers are still not allowed outside with more than two people, unless they live together.

“If there is one or two extra people that come into your house, that is not going to be breaching the law.

“If your son wants to bring his girlfriend over, and you know that girlfriend, that’s fine but if then that girlfriend wants to bring another friend over that you don’t know, that’s a stranger to your house.”

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