The Cairns Post




1. Was this American frontier vehicle fully insured? (7,5)

8. Name of member involved noted each election initially (7)

9. Become liable for some trade-in curiositie­s (5)

10. Praise exploiters prise out (5) 11. Versatilen­ess makes sister leave to dominate (7)

12. One of the key workers in a business (6)

14. Rugged so this was held against you (6)

18. There is deep regret about the code (7)

20. Ran between the beginning and the end of the pedestrian crossing and caused an accident (5)

22. The fundamenta­l principle of the priest (5)

23. Go out with no-one else once (3-4)

24. Get conceited – like a hangover does (2,2,4,4)


1. Trick with phone message that could be taken out of (7)

2. Five leave out the sick bit (5)

3. The right leg joint on Saturday causes irritation (7)

4. The English river the writer saw will get less shallow (6)

5. Did not hit the target. Something is wrong (5)

6. Alternativ­ely beet can be found in the plantation (7)

7. Genuinely exact (4)

13. Scampi men toiled with added spice (7)

15. Concerning the ironing, you had better check (7)

16. Brainy sort that you can have a crack at beating? (7)

17. The courageous woman lost direction with drug (6)

18. People who have the right to be a skilled fighter pilot (4)

19. He was a hit with the famous group (5)

21. She may get nits at the beginning of August (5)


Across: 1. Bass guitar, 9. Potomac, 10. Peeps, 11. Iowan, 12. Ninety, 14 &16ac. Habeas corpus, 19. Statue, 21. Timer, 24. Clear, 25. Seaward, 26. Ornamented.

Down: 2. Armenia, 3 & 18ac. Second person, 4. Unpin, 5. Treetop, 6. Rosy, 7. Upright, 8. Stew, 13. Astride, 15. Bittern, 17. Outrage, 20. Thrum, 22. Moan, 23. Echo.

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