The Cairns Post

On protests


Many among the protesters sought the freedom and democratic lifestyle we all enjoy. You were welcomed into this country and yet you now abuse our laws and want to tear down our history. Pick up a pen and write to your politician­s or the press if you want to express your opinion. We are better than America! Shame on you!

Cal, Kewarra Beach

I am so over people telling me I should feel guilty for being of light coloured skin, and by having light skin, I am a white supremacis­t and privileged. I am also fed up to the back teeth of hearing and seeing people blame our current society for apparent bad deeds done hundreds of years ago, in which by magic, monetary compensati­on makes it all go way. I won’t be marching, taking a knee or participat­ing in any other token gesture with people who have nothing better in their lives to do! Get over yourselves and try achieving something positive in the current world, then you will earn my respect and time.

Paul, Cairns City

There’s protests all around the country with hundreds of people gathering. And Palaszczuk gutless to do anything about it. And 20 people allowed in churches. Come on people, let’s fill the churches and see if there’s one law for one type of people and another law for the other. Is it time to forget about turning the other cheek?

Underprivi­leged One, Woree

All the protests at present are the result of people with nothing to do. They are also the result of our elected leaders lacking leadership by kowtowing to minorities. Imagine the civil unrest if everyone was on welfare. All you socialists and dogooders

 ?? Picture: GETTY ?? ANGER: A reader says an assault on publicly or privately owned property should not be tolerated and it is the equivalent of looting.
Picture: GETTY ANGER: A reader says an assault on publicly or privately owned property should not be tolerated and it is the equivalent of looting.

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