The Cairns Post

7 ways to save on groceries

- Lindy, Steph and Rosie from Australia’s Best Recipes reveal their savings hacks

JOB losses, reduced income and soaring grocery prices are just some of the reasons many of us are feeling uneasy. But if there’s one thing we can control during uncertain times, it’s what we cook.

Your weekly grocery bill doesn’t have to have a hefty price tag. Here are a few ways to decrease your spend at the checkout, while never feeling like you’re starving.


It’s said that poor planning leads to poor performanc­e — it’s the same with your grocery bill. Planning ahead is one of the key factors in lowering your grocery bill. Many people plan their menus a week in advance. Some even plan a month in advance so they can take advantage of bulk purchases and freeze ingredient­s they won’t use immediatel­y.

Senior producer Rosie from thinks the same way.

“I always make sure I plan my lunches for the week. I make sure there are enough leftovers from dinner, or I prepare something the night before, like a salad or sandwich,” she says.

“Not only is it better for my bank balance, but it means I’m not tempted by the unhealthy options at the work canteen. The same goes for snacks, too. Often I can go the whole workday without getting my wallet out.”


Don’t go anywhere near a supermarke­t without a list. Sticking to a list means you don’t have to rely on memory to buy groceries. You buy everything you need in one hit. Keeping a grocery list will also help prevent impulse purchases, meaning you won’t have extra ingredient­s sitting around in your pantry.

“I’m a big list maker,” social media editor Steph says. “Every week, I take a look at what I already have in the fridge and pantry and build easy recipes around these staples. I bring my shopping list to the grocers, and I don’t stray from it. I also try and think of dishes that use the same ingredient­s, so nothing goes to waste. For example, I’ll use half a cauliflowe­r in a pasta bake and will use the other half in a veggie soup.”


One of the best ways to save money is to plan your week- or month-long menu around supermarke­t specials. If meat is on special, plan to make a few slow-cooked meat dishes and stretch out your meat purchase. If you find canned food on special, buy a few extra cans so that you always have the essentials in your pantry.


It pays to keep a range of essentials in your pantry that can bulk out a meal quickly. Keep these foods in your pantry, and you’ll always be able to whip up a hearty dinner or mouthwater­ing dessert.


Snacking can cost a fortune. But snacking can be cheap if you simply plan your snacks in advance. Instead of buying one chocolate bar every day, add a pack of mini chocolate bars to your grocery shop. That way, you’ll save money buying in bulk, and because they’re mini chocolate bars, you’ll eat less chocolate but still feel like you’re treating yourself.


One of the good things about cooking in bulk is that not only are the dishes affordable, but you can eat the leftovers for lunch the next day. Simply bulk them out with frozen dinner rolls and you’ll have two filling meals.

“During my weekly shop, I get all the essentials I need for that week,” senior producer Bec says. “But I also buy ingredient­s in bulk for just one freezer-friendly dish — it might be chicken curry, vegetarian chilli or pumpkin soup. I’ll make about six portions of that dish and have one for dinner that week, while the other five will go into the freezer for a rainy day.

“It’s amazing how much money you save cooking in bulk and also how quickly your freezer fills up with delicious meals.”


It goes without saying one of the best ways to save money on groceries is not to waste them in the first place. Aussies throw out over 5 million tonnes of food each year. According to OzHarvest, one in five shopping bags ends up in the bin, which equates to $3800 worth of groceries per household each year. This is a staggering amount.

Senior producer Lindy agrees. “I learned how to make ‘throwtoget­her’ dishes from my mother, and my grandmothe­rs in South Africa,” she says.

“They all came from a time where cooking with creativity and ingenuity was the norm. They also never ever wasted food.

“I watched them turn ‘something’ — should this be ‘nothing’? — into dinners for the entire family. They never went without, and their pantries were always full.”

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