The Cairns Post


Retrograde Mercury converged with the Sun yesterday and remains close enough to strongly influence the weekend’s Lunar Eclipse. Along with Saturn’s recent return to Capricorn, the celestial message highlights the importance of learning lessons from the pa



Conspiracy theories. They’re all over the internet. One of the most enduring is the one about the moon landings; some people still believe the footage was created in a Hollywood studio. When we don’t have the means to either prove or disprove a story, what are we supposed to think? If you’re unsure about whether or not you can trust an exciting propositio­n someone’s making in your life, the coming Lunar Eclipse highlights the questions you need to ask to form a realistic, credible opinion. Your month-ahead forecast contains inspiring news. Call 1300 017 319

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

Comprehens­ion and understand­ing are powerful forces. We might be unhappy about a certain situation but when we’re able to understand it, it can be made bearable - if not quite ideal. As we grow wiser, our opinions shift and slide. Yet, in this era of uncertaint­y, it’s difficult to plan for such evolutions. As the Lunar Eclipse approaches, if you simply tell yourself that everything will be fine, then proceed as though it’s true, it will be. Be confident! Things will resolve in your favour. There’s hope on the horizon. For an uplifting guide call 1300 017 319


‘I promise’, ‘I swear’, ‘Honestly!’ The world is a-buzz with promises, vows and guarantees. Nor are these restricted to personal relationsh­ips. Companies and conglomera­tes spend billions on alluring (often deceptive) advertisin­g. Politician­s will swear whatever they need to in order to beat their way into office, only to renounce the lot when they get there. Promises are as easily broken as made. The Lunar Eclipse brings the chance to make yourself a promise - and to keep it! For support that inspires you, call your month ahead forecast: 1300 017 319


You set your standards high... so high that birds have to swoop and change the direction of their flight in order to avoid colliding with them! Well... that might be a bit of an exaggerati­on; after all a standard is an abstract concept. It doesn’t exist in the physical realm. Or does it? After all, some of yours relate to objects in your world. Yet what matters far more than these is your highly developed sense of fairness. The

Lunar Eclipse enables you to use your sense of what’s right to help someone today. For an inspiring way to deal with any challenges, call 1300 017 319


You’re a Virgo. You always try to do your best. But what happens when you suspect that doing your best isn’t good enough? Then, you need to ask if you’re really doing your best. If, somewhere deep down, you know that you’re not putting your heart and soul into something, then that’s one thing. Yet, when you know that you’re trying as hard as you can, it’s time to have more faith in yourself. The coming Lunar Eclipse indicates that you can stop worrying so much and trust in what you’ve done. Keep moving in the right direction this month. Call 1300 017 319


You’ve been considerin­g your options for some time... wrestling with the pros and cons of a situation you’re entangled in. A delicate equilibriu­m has been maintained, and if it’s going to be upset, you want to be sure that it’s being unbalanced for the right reasons, at the right time. You’re missing a piece of informatio­n that will help you decide what to do. As we approach the Lunar Eclipse, you’ll discover a vital clue.

Although it might not appear to be critical, it will tell you what you need to know. What’s the best way to ensure your success this month? Call 1300 017 319


In Walt Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, our protagonis­t is cursed by the evil Maleficent. ‘Before her sixteenth birthday she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die’. Fortunatel­y, Merryweath­er was able to use her magic to commute the sentence to a never-ending sleep that could only be broken by true love’s kiss. In these trying times, an eternity of sleep might sound more like a gift, than a curse! The Lunar Eclipse brings a turn of fortune that’s exactly what’s needed to refresh and revitalise you. For support that can help you through the month, call 1300 017 319


Having an opinion is one thing. Being able and willing to back your opinion up, with concerted action, is a different thing entirely. We all think we know what’s wrong with the world and have ideas about how it could be sorted. Yet few of us are prepared to stand up and be counted. The coming Lunar

Eclipse provides the insight to see that you have the vision and power to drive lasting change. In a world filled with fickleness and outrage, your sincerity is all you need to succeed. There’s heart-warming news in your month-ahead forecast. Call 1300 017 319


Leaving things to chance isn’t always the best way to proceed. Some people believe that allowing life to simply unfold is a derelictio­n of responsibi­lity. They don’t think we should treat destiny with much respect. Are we obliged to assess our choices and make decisions that we hope will bring about the ‘right’ outcome? Maybe... if we’re confident that we know what that is and know how to make it happen. If something’s heading in a particular direction right now, trust that it’s going the right way. How can you stay focused and happy in this crazy world? Call 1300 017 319


If we’re unable to make compromise­s, it’s almost impossible to advance in life. And if we compromise too much, we’ll never be satisfied with what we have. In order to take a significan­t step forwards, you’re being asked to make a compromise now. As the Lunar Eclipse approaches, be aware that by taking a stand over your independen­ce, you risk cutting yourself off from a source of vital support. With time to reflect, you’ll appreciate the gift being offered... and accept it. Navigate your way through this month’s challenges. Call 1300 017 319


Once the performanc­e is over, the artists involved experience a wide range of emotions. Although the memory of the audience’s applause lingers, the auditorium slowly empties, leaving a silence which can be disconcert­ing. Who are they going to stun with their vocal range or acting skills now? When we’re on a high, it takes a while to come back down to earth again. You’ve been through an emotionall­y intense time recently. The Lunar Eclipse brings a chance to rest and absorb. The planets bring inspiring energy your way in July. Call 1300 017 319


Tightrope walkers don’t start their careers at the top of the circus tent. They hone their art using a rope just a few centimetre­s above the floor. The fundamenta­l principles are the same no matter the distance they are from the ground. Well, if they were outdoors above the Grand Canyon, they’d have the additional complicati­on of wind. But, otherwise, it’s all about practice, and mindset. You’re expertly prepared for an upcoming challenge. Don’t be daunted by a change of surroundin­gs. Stay hopeful in challengin­g times. Call your July forecast: 1300 017 319

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