The Cairns Post




What happens when an irrepressi­ble force meets an immovable object? Sparks fly. Energy explodes. And woe betide anybody who gets in the way. A recent series of events seem to be building to a crescendo. Yet, while an explosion might be unavoidabl­e, it will be more manageable than you expect. Since things are far more flexible than you imagine, try to avoid wedding yourself to certain expectatio­ns. The course is not yet set - so don’t be afraid to exploit what wriggle room you have. Jupiter and Neptune’s link brings transforma­tion.

Call 1300 017 319.

LEO JUL 24 - AUG 23

My favourite part of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is when the Queen of Hearts makes her servants paint the roses red. The logic might seem insane but, sometimes, a light-handed cosmetic touch makes everything feel better. Other times, things need pulling up stem, root and all. Today, you could take the cosmetic route and hope for the best... but, as you’ve got some time to play with, why not make everything the best it can possibly be? A little effort now will make a real difference later. Jupiter and Neptune’s link brings transforma­tion.

Call 1300 017 319.


When potential customers can’t make up their mind, unscrupulo­us salespeopl­e bring out the big guns. ‘We won’t be getting any more of these in’. ‘It’s only discounted until the end of the day’. ‘Someone else is coming back with a deposit’. ‘If you want it, you’ll have to move quickly’. Nor are they the only ones capable of such deception. If you’re feeling pressured into making a decision, stop; take a step back; and reassess. Your ruler’s link with Neptune helps you to do things at your own pace.Jupiter and Neptune’s link brings transforma­tion. Call 1300 017 319.


With so much on your mind it’s hardly surprising that you’re more forgetful than usual. Still, it’s not a trait you want to perpetuate and today’s cosmic climate suggests that this is the perfect time to attend to an outstandin­g issue. Rather than allowing yourself to be drawn into any developing dramas, stick with your sense of purpose. Fulfilling raised expectatio­ns will bring a sense of ease, and the creative space that results will enable you to make steps towards manifestin­g what you want. This week’s cosmic climate is magical for you.

Call 1300 017 319.


With your instinctiv­e abilities highlighte­d by the Jupiter/ Neptune link, you probably know what I’m thinking. Or perhaps you’d just like to think that you know what I’m thinking. Or maybe, it’s me who thinks that you think that you know what’s on my mind. Confused? The truth is that, even if we both think the same thing, we’re never going to know what the other person is thinking! There’s always room for misunderst­anding. Since it’s clarity you seek, use your skills and talk things through today.

This week’s cosmic climate is magical for you. Call 1300 017 319.


Suppose you think you’ve made a mistake... but the only error you’ve committed is the fact that you think you’ve made one? Although the Jupiter/ Neptune link doesn’t make you failsafe, it gives you the boost of confidence to act with authority. There are many reasons why you deserve to believe in yourself. If you sense an aura of negativity around you today, banish it. It’s a legacy from the past and deserves none of your attention. Here comes the welcome positive experience you need.

This week’s cosmic climate is magical for you.

Call 1300 017 319.


You don’t have to justify every idea. There doesn’t need to be a sound rationale, detailed breakdown or flow-chart of how you’ll turn something into a reality. Sometimes you can be inspired by a fleeting moment, a transitory image or a flicker of emotion. Whilst there’s middle ground to tread, you’re right to follow a hunch. Embrace it, nurture it, but keep your head on your shoulders. Although practicali­ties aren’t everything, they’re not irrelevant. If you’re sensible today, you won’t go wrong.

Jupiter and Neptune’s link offers the key to a dream.

Call 1300 017 319.


‘To thine own self be true’ is one of those Shakespear­ian lines that sounds like good advice. Be true to yourself. Which is fine when you know which part of yourself you want to be true to... but that’s more easily said than done! When you feel as if you’re being pulled in different directions at the same time, how are you supposed to know which one is true and which is false? The Jupiter/Neptune link helps you to accept the complexiti­es that lie behind your current choice. It’s a good place to start.

Jupiter and Neptune’s link offers the key to a dream.

Call 1300 017 319.


It can be comforting to know the reason for things being tricky. As long as we know what has put us into a particular situation, we can bear it and... better still, begin to work through it. Without that informatio­n, we can end up chasing our tails, running round in circles, or sticking our heads in the sand. But, what happens when the real reason isn’t one we’ve anticipate­d? Have we made things worse? Not necessaril­y. But, before you rush to fix a situation take a moment to double check what’s going on.Jupiter and Neptune’s link offers the key to a dream. Call 1300 017 319.


Since you’ve travelled a considerab­le distance along a particular road, it would be out of character to suddenly switch direction and swan off in a different destinatio­n. So, what then, are you meant to do about the unusual possibilit­y that’s presenting itself? Should you carefully skirt around it, ignoring its intriguing potential? Or embrace it as a possible chance to take a detour to who knows where? As Jupiter and Neptune link, do what you want to do rather than what you ‘ought’ to do.

The Jupiter/Neptune link reveals exciting opportunit­ies.

Call 1300 017 319.


The old conjuring trick of pulling small fluffy animals out of hats has long been relegated to the past. So future generation­s of kids won’t look at anyone wearing a top hat and wonder if a rabbit’s going to appear. Actually... top hats are few and far between too! Yet I can’t help myself making that associatio­n. And, as Jupiter and Neptune encourage your imaginatio­n to work even harder, you might find yourself making unlikely assumption­s too. Don’t let impulsivit­y overrule logic today.

The Jupiter/Neptune link reveals exciting opportunit­ies.

Call 1300 017 319.


The defences we put around ourselves to create a sense of safety often, paradoxica­lly, make us vulnerable. Most of us are cautious about taking risks - yet being averse to risk-taking is risky! Life is, after all, a journey into the unknown. Fear of stepping out into the action can lead to such a narrow existence that we risk failing to make the progress we’re destined to make. While Jupiter and Neptune encourage your carefully considered concentrat­ion, you’ll soon see that you have nothing to fear. The Jupiter/Neptune link reveals exciting opportunit­ies. Call 1300 017 319.

 ??  ?? Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702. ‘An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind’. These words, attributed to Gandhi, contrast with the original text of the Old Testament. Religions don’t always preach tolerance and forgivenes­s. As Jupiter and Neptune make the second in a rare trilogy of encouragin­g and supportive links, they promote empathy and encourage us to engage with high ideals. No matter how sensitive we may be feeling, we can’t let negativity sabotage the exploratio­n of any beautiful dreams.
Teletopia. Max call cost $1.32 per minute, including GST. Higher charges from mobiles/payphones may apply. Customer care: 1300 366 702. ‘An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind’. These words, attributed to Gandhi, contrast with the original text of the Old Testament. Religions don’t always preach tolerance and forgivenes­s. As Jupiter and Neptune make the second in a rare trilogy of encouragin­g and supportive links, they promote empathy and encourage us to engage with high ideals. No matter how sensitive we may be feeling, we can’t let negativity sabotage the exploratio­n of any beautiful dreams.

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