The Cairns Post

Duty is not just skin deep, save eyes too


AS a parent, you are likely to worry about your child’s skin being exposed to harmful UV rays.

You put sunscreen on their skin every time they go outside. But do you take the same level of care for your child’s eyes?

The eyes are exposed to harmful UV rays too, so you need to have the same level of care for your child’s eyes as you do their skin.

The solution seems simple enough – to have your child wear sunglasses whenever they go outside. But not all parents actively encourage their children to wear sunglasses.

According to a study by The Vision Council, 42 per cent of parents don’t make their children wear sunglasses. If you’re one of them, here are some very good reasons that may change your mind.

Your child’s eyes are more susceptibl­e to damage from ultraviole­t radiation

The crystallin­e lenses of children’s eyes transmit more UV radiation to the retina compared with the lenses of adults. The lenses of children under 10 years of age transmit 75 per cent of UV radiation to the retina, whereas the lenses of adults aged over 25 only transmit 10 per cent of UV radiation. This makes your child’s eyes more vulnerable to damage from UV rays. The only way to counteract this damage is to have your child wear sunglasses.

Damage to the eyes starts from childhood

Eye diseases and vision problems associated with aging can partially be blamed on cumulative damage to the eyes that begins in childhood. In fact, studies show that you get approximat­ely 80 per cent of your lifetime exposure to UV radiation before you reach the age of 20.

Keep in mind that cumulative damage to the retina, lens, and other parts of your eyes is irreversib­le. So, it’s best to take corrective measures at an early age. To prevent damage that can cause serious problems for your child later in life, get them into the habit of wearing sunglasses any time they’re out in the sun. Make sure that your child understand­s the reasons why they’re wearing sunglasses. Before you know it, wearing sunglasses will be second nature to your child.

In addition to applying sunscreen, protect your child from UV radiation by having them wear sunglasses.

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