The Cairns Post

Armed with confidence



EVERYONE thinks they’re an expert when it comes to babies.

And when you’re pregnant or have a newborn, be prepared to hear some of the strangest tips you’ll ever encounter.

While most people will be well-meaning with their advice, it’ll pay to be cautious and make up your own mind about what’s right for you and your little person.

The issue with myths about newborns is that new parents can have problems separating fact from fiction. Sleep deprivatio­n, hormones, brain fog and the desire to care well for their baby can all make this especially challengin­g. Newborns have pretty simple needs – to be fed regularly, kept warm and safe and to have someone respond to them when they cry. There’s nothing mythical about that.

Myths can be a bit of harmless fun and add a bit of interest to conversati­ons. Though myths shouldn’t replace actual facts or be used as reasons to guide your baby’s care.


1 Taking your baby out on a windy day will give them wind.

You’re more likely to hear this from older people. Visions of gusts of wind becoming trapped in the baby’s gut are enough to cause even more sleepless nights for new parents. Rest assured that changes in atmospheri­c pressure and a breezy day cannot cause your baby gut discomfort.

2 You shouldn’t wash your newborn’s hair.

It’s perfectly safe to wash a newborn’s hair when you’re bathing them. Not doing this can eventually lead to a build-up of oil and skin cells resulting in cradle cap. Just be gentle with your baby’s anterior fontanelle (soft spot). Use a baby shampoo or body wash then rinse and dry their hair carefully.

3 Newborn babies can’t see.

They can see, but not as well as they’re going to because their visual ability isn’t fully developed and co-ordinated. Their vision is more blurry – however they are able to focus at the distance from your arms to your face and eyes.

4 You’ll fall in love with your baby the minute you see them.

Although there’s lots of informatio­n about this, new mothers can still feel guilty if they’re not overwhelme­d when they see their baby for the first time. For all sorts of reasons, bonding can take time. Don’t underestim­ate your baby’s skills in helping you fall in love with them. It’s a two-way street.

5 Breastfeed­ing is easy, you and your baby will know what to do.

Breastfeed­ing is generally a learnt set of skills for a new mother and her baby. Sometimes it’s easy but mostly it takes practice and time, support and guidance to feel confident with breastfeed­ing. Be patient with yourself and your baby as you both learn what’s involved. Breastfeed­ing is always worthwhile.

6 Cuddling your baby will spoil them.

Newborns need to feel physically and emotionall­y close so they can feel secure. Picking up a crying baby and soothing them supports their growth and developmen­t.

7 Breastfeed­ing mothers need to eat bland food otherwise their baby will get wind.

The food you eat is digested by your gut. The nutrients from this food are used by your breasts to produce milk which is always suitable for your baby. Rarely, babies react to a particular food or protein in their mother’s diet. Be guided by your healthcare profession­al if you need to cut out some foods.

8 It’s OK to sleep your baby on their tummy during the day and when they’re being watched.

Back sleeping, day and night is always protective. There is an increased risk of sudden unexplaine­d death for babies who sleep on their tummy or their side.

9 Teeth move up and down in the gums, even for newborns.

It is a physical impossibil­ity for teeth to move up and down. Just as this can’t happen with the bones in their arms or legs. Teeth often start to erupt at around six months of age, though some babies are born with teeth.

10 Babies can’t be overfed, they stop feeding when they’re full.

Some babies love to suck and even if they’re full, they keep sucking for comfort. Babies give cues or signals to show they’re hungry, tired or bored. Breastfed babies are less likely to overfeed than bottle-fed babies.

Remember, if something sounds too odd to be true, then it probably is. Get advice from experts with a tertiary degree when you’re making decisions about yourself or your baby.

Follow your gut feeling if you’re unsure about something. It’s unlikely to be wrong.


 ?? Picture: ISTOCK ?? SAFE AND SOUND: Follow your gut instinct with your baby or if you’re worried, seek advice from experts.
Picture: ISTOCK SAFE AND SOUND: Follow your gut instinct with your baby or if you’re worried, seek advice from experts.

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