The Cairns Post

Gabba pitch battle looms


THE Save Our Gabba campaign is up and running.

Brisbane Heat coach Darren Lehmann has fired the first shot in the bid to save the iconic Gabba wicket block which is set to be dug up for the 2032 Olympics.

Queensland’s most treasured piece of sporting real estate will be renovated in some form if, as expected, the state gains hosting rights to the Games. The Gabba would host the Games’ major ceremonies and athletics meet but the billion-dollar renovation could rule it out as a cricket Test host for up to five years.

Brisbane and Sydney remain the only major mainland capital cities to defy the trend of drop-in wickets but the push to join the majority postGames will be huge if, as expected, the current Gabba block goes under the knife in some form.

Lehmann is hoping the deck can be preserved and rise again after the Games, just as it did after having its top knocked off to host football Games in the 2000 Olympics.

Lehmann, who has been given a one-year contract extension as Brisbane Heat coach, is adamant officials must salvage the deck Australia’s players enjoy more than any other.

“I like that (the Olympic bid) … as long as they keep the wicket, that is all I want to see,’’ Lehmann said.

“But the funding, the Olympics year, the new stadium, that is as exciting as it gets for Queensland Cricket. As long as they keep the wicket as is. Same wicket please.’’

Queensland Cricket chief executive Terry Svenson confirmed his body’s preferred position was to have an ongoing wicket block rather than a drop-in and said he would have those conversati­ons with the government “at the right time’’.

Lehmann said he was appreciati­ve of getting a contract extension and felt no extra pressure because it was only a one-year deal or came after the Heat’s first external review.

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