The Cairns Post


Simone Holtznagel, 28, is a fashion model and reality television contestant


Do you get your five a day?

Of course. I start my day with a green smoothie or celery juice. I feel like doing that, you start the day out on the right foot.

Have you ever dieted?

I’ve been a model for 12 years. So, no. Seriously though, I’ve tried to be as healthy as possible but I have tried different things like the blood-type diet and intermitte­nt fasting. It is all about finding what works best for you and sticking with that. I’ve just recently started using the Equalation app, where you can track your food intake and it has good recipes.

Sleep or sex?

Do I have to choose?

What is your absolute blowout meal?

Maccas fries or a potato scallop.

Have you had any operations or broken bones?

I dislocated my knee, severed my funny bone nerve, fractured and dislocated my elbow all at once playing basketball in high school. It went down in history at my school and the legend of that story lives on to this day. That is where my basketball career dreams died.

What’s been your biggest health mistake?

The biggest health mistake for me would be simply burning out. For me and my job, it is so important to take care of your body and mind and that was something that took me a while to learn.

What regular vitamins do you take?

I am the vitamin queen. I take JS Health Skin + Digestion every day and I’m obsessed with Cilk Beauty Rose Extract that I add to my water every day.

What health advice would you have given yourself 10 years ago?

Just love the body you are in. I love my body now, but I look back at photos of myself on certain jobs and I remember thinking I looked fat that day and I didn’t, I looked fantastic. I know that is not really health advice but it works for me.

Would you have plastic surgery? Botox?

I would absolutely have plastic surgery one day if I needed or wanted it. I get Botox once or twice a year, the smallest amount. I’m going to try PDO threads on my chin and around my eyes as soon as we are out of lockdown. I love it and I think it’s great, as long as there is transparen­cy on social media. I have never once pretended that I haven’t had Botox.

What is your guilty pleasure in life? Sitting in the bath for hours watching any of the Real Housewives franchises.

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