The Cairns Post


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Re: Logan (CP, 30/9) totally agree on crims “human rights “. Thanks to all the do-gooders that have made society the soft, no accountabi­lity one we live in. How far wrong has this all gone? These youths that terrorise the community know they are doing wrong, you can’t tell me in the middle of the night, or day when they do harm to others, that they don’t know it’s wrong. Excuses galore for the poor little “crims”. Those of us that work hard to survive should not have to put up with these monsters and their families. Make them pay for what they’ve done, garnish their dole money to pay back the victims. The unaccounta­bility is a joke and can’t see it getting any better.

KS, Tolga

Re: Bats species being wiped out by Chalumbin wind farm (CP, 5/10). That’s a load of codswallop, because bats have biological sonar, it’s called echolocati­on, they emit sound waves that bounce off objects providing size and distance. Something the size of a wind turbine will be easily avoided, so try pulling the other leg.

Raymond, Atherton

Just how dumb are these birds that would supposedly keep flying into wind turbine blades?

Shelley, Manunda

Ross Grant re daylight saving (CP, 4/10). Maybe you should move further north or west Ross where it used to be pitch black at 8am with daylight saving. It’s not all about the south-east corner of Queensland. GTHO, Manunda

If you work 8am to 4pm in daylight savings time that actually means real daylight hours are 7am to 3pm. Which means your lunchtime would be 12pm to 1pm DST when normal time is 11am to 12pm. Great for office workers but surely a health and safety issue for anyone working in the noon day sun because you would be going back to work at the hottest and most dangerous time of day. Especially in the Far North. Imagine the lawsuits you would get if people got skin cancer, heat stroke or other medical conditions due to being forced to work in such conditions. I wonder if the daylight saving backers thought of this. Merlin, Bentley Park

Anyone who really wants daylight savings only needs to move to NSW. Juss Sayen, Cairns

It’s alarming that northern and central NSW is at present being hammered with extreme weather events and flash flooding. The SES is being called on to help with dozens of rescues and evacuation­s. All this, while lounge-chair professors are denying any change to our weather or climate conditions.

Ruth, Freshwater

No country on the planet has made wind and solar produce cheap or reliable energy, so I don’t see how our Qld politician­s are going to. Mechanic, Smithfield

RBA went way too far down with interest rates to start with. Now they are going way too hard the other way. Take a breath. Let the economy catch up for a couple of quarters. In other words, back off.

Mel, Ravenshoe

Bloody cold for this time of year. I blame global warming.

Mick, Malanda

I remember when the liberal left freaked out because they were sure Trump would trigger a nuclear war. But now, as Biden has the world on the brink of nuclear war, the liberal left are silent. Weird, eh? Republican, Cairns

It’s been 40 years since Brisbane hosted the Commonweal­th Games – an event next being held in regional Victoria. It’s interestin­g to consider whether the northern Queensland (Townsville and Cairns) region would be able to host such an event. With existing facilities, it’s unlikely. Bernard, Smithfield

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