The Cairns Post



Most people use their cars during the day, which is why roads are nearly empty at night. So where do the EV owners (CP, 8/10) get this free electricit­y from to charge them? It can’t be from their home solar panels if they’re out in their car, so who is paying for their recharges? Curious, Cairns

Regarding tax cuts. Australia needs to firstly raise the GST to 15 per cent. No exemptions, including on food. In return raise pensions and welfare by a minimum $100 per week. Re: income tax, the highest personal rate should be 20 per cent. No tax under $50,000, five per cent tax under $100,000, 10 per cent under $200,000 and everything else taxed at 20 per cent. Company tax 15 per cent. Australia and its people will be better off. Energy should be nuclear.

Tony, Cairns

On Channel 9 on Friday night there were reports that child crime and vehicle theft in SE QLD is out of control. Look at North QLD, it’s much worse. But no members of the state gov, from the Premier down to the local members, no one has the fortitude to step up and fix the problem.

Viv, Earlville

Firefighte­rs in the coastal area of Florida impacted by Hurricane Ian have been flat out managing electric car fires. It seems that the batteries of EVs that stood in floodwater are spontaneou­sly erupting in flames. The moral of the story seems to be don’t let your EV get wet. “Record EV sales” (Dean, CP, 8/10) bear no correlatio­n to reliabilit­y, practicali­ty or durability.

Fireman Sam, Smithfield

The burglaries and home invasions will continue until we the people of Queensland eject the criminal-loving ALP from office and elect a party willing to return us to the standards of law enforcemen­t that worked – you know, old enough to do the crime is old enough to do the time. And I don’t mean the LNP would be better than the ALP – they’re as bad as each other. We need all new blood as our representa­tives.

One Tooth Wally, Cairns North

Aussies are suffering the rising interest rates and inflation precisely because the ALP and LNP both signed on to globalism. We have abundant natural resources but the ALP and LNP signed on to the globalists rubbish about global warming and climate change and so we can’t use them. It won’t be long and we’ll all be broke, unemployed, sitting in the dark and begging for the globalists’ electronic ear tag and our universal basic income handout. Economist, Cairns

The only way to fix Cairns crime is to get Pauline up here. While she’s here she can open a fish and chip shop and sell flake because nobody else does.

Scoobie, Trinity Beach

I thoroughly agree with Impacted. Geoff Guest and his wife took in troubled teens and turned their lives around. They were taught life skills including horse riding and farm work. They were taught to respect others. Geoff did all this with little financial aid until the Queensland government closed down his facility. The government should be looking at acquiring land in the country and run a facility using Geoff’s methods of rehabilita­ting these young ones. Pam, Bayview

There are places in Europe where the over-reliance on renewables have caused electricit­y prices to rise so high that it costs more to charge an electric car battery than it does to fill a petrol or diesel car.

Mechanic, Smithfield

The rants against EV’s and renewables from deniers are falling on deaf ears, because no one in politics is listening. The last mob that went all-in on coal and oil got 4 per cent of the vote.

Darcy, Cairns CBD

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