The Cairns Post



Only right-wing columnist Jenny Ware (CP, 1/12) has the answer for a Liberal comeback. Return climate change and the environmen­t back to the main issues and move fossil fuels to clean energy. Catherine, Stratford

Look, the US Supreme Court did not “take away” the “right” to kill unborn children (CP, 1/12). It merely corrected an earlier decision because abortion is not within the USSC’s jurisdicti­on. It referred abortion law back to the individual states, where it always legally belonged. In some states it is legal – in others it is not. Anyone determined to have an abortion simply has to go to a state that makes that “legal”.

Weary, Cairns

While I regard ScoMo as Australia’s worst ever PM, Albo’s obsession with him is to distract us from the fact that he’s sending us down the economic gurgler even faster. Bruce, Westcourt

It’s bloody cold for December 1. I had to get my winter shirts out. Looks like global warming is dead, buried and cremated.

Mick, Malanda

Under new anti-hooning laws (CP, 1/12), owners will have to prove they weren’t driving at the time of the hooning to avoid having their property seized and destroyed. I expect this law to be overturned in the courts because in legal terms it is impossible to prove a negative.

Woz, Parramatta Park

If we weren’t taxed so much to pay for stupid middle-class welfare schemes like “childcare subsidies”, (CP, 1/12), mothers would be able to stay home and give their kids the best possible start in life. Too much government is the problem.

Kelli, Bayview

Re: Assaulting police either physically and/or spitting. Penalty should be a mandatory minimum sentence of 12 months up to 5 years. Tony, Cairns

I would like to see security measures increased at shopping centres and people banned for their inability to behave.

Michelle, Cairns

Re McDonalds. It supports many community programs including Ronald McDonald house at Palm Cove. It also provides jobs for the young. So why the problem with location?

Margaret, Cairns

Hang on a minute, if climate change is fake news how come there have been four mass coral bleachings (CP 30/11) in the last six years?

Jarrod, Aeroglen

Hey Albo (CP, 30/11), go ahead and name a country that has managed to get cheap reliable power from renewables. I’ll wait. Ex-ALP Voter, Cairns

Consciousn­ess is the ability to tell truth from falsehood. Sadly for our civilisati­on, a majority is stumbling around completely unconsciou­s. Over-It, Cairns

In answer to Stu, (CP, 30/11)

Australia does not have “anchor baby” laws such as the US. A child born here to foreigners has his or her parents’ nationalit­y – which is as it should be.

Barry, Kanimbla

E-scooters are not only a hazard on the footpath, but on the road. The riders do not adhere to the road rules and signage. Stop, left turn only, one way. I witness this every day and l have had close encounters on a one-way lane only going the wrong way.

Viv, Earlville

Well done to the Socceroos for progressin­g through to the World Cup round of 16. Let’s hope it’s a boost for the game in the country and its moribund A-League can get some momentum from it.

Mikel, Cairns

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