The Chronicle

Way to fill God-shaped hole in life


ALL of us long for a life that has significan­ce and security.

We want to know we matter and that it’s all going to be okay.

Thousands of years ago another person spoke about this. King Solomon was the wisest person in the world.

He was the richest person by far and had servants, hundreds of wives, a harem or two and dignitarie­s from around the world queuing up for his audience. Solomon had it all.

Yet we read in his memoirs (called the book of Ecclesiast­es in the Bible) that everything is meaningles­s.

Solomon searched for meaning and value and security in work, in leisure, in women, in DIY home building projects, in wisdom and knowledge and even in madness or folly.

After an extensive search Solomon came to the conclusion that it was all meaningles­s. What he meant was that none of these things could fulfil the God-shaped hole inside each of us.

Trying to fill a God-shaped hole with money or friends or projects leads to dissatisfa­ction. It’s like playing hockey with a golf club.

You might have a bit of fun but ultimately it’s pointless.

After 12 chapters of searching and seeking to find meaning in the things of the world Solomon comes to the fitting conclusion that real meaning and significan­ce is found only in relationsh­ip with God.

He is the only one who can fill that God shaped hole inside each of us.

If you’re wondering what life is about, if you’re trying to find meaning, security and significan­ce, learn from the wisest man who ever lived (apart from Jesus).

He searched high and low and came to the conclusion that life apart from God is meaningles­s. How right he was! Why don’t you re-connect with God this coming weekend?

Visit your local church and get to know God. Fill that God-shaped hole with His love and His grace.

Rev. Esa Hukkinen, Christlife Presbyteri­an Church, Glenvale

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