The Chronicle



Selling off Australia Post offices? They are franchised are they not? Therefore why sell? That is just another thing happening to put Australia into the hands of foreign ownership. Not everyone wants to own or carry around a computeris­ed device. Letters (cards) are nice things to receive. And what method would businesses have of reminding people of money owed? MM, Twba

We paid $200 for front row seats at Jessica Mauboy concert to have our view ruined by stage crowding people standing in front of us. Pay most to see least. People should consider others and stay in the seats they paid for. And the venue needs to control the crowd.

JR, Darling Heights

To Ed: re Daylight Saving, we have been there before. Nobody liked it that’s why we don’t have it here. It was the southern states that broke away from EST, not us, how do they communicat­e with WA and the NT? Their times are way out of whack with the rest of Aust, because of the time zones. I thought most businesses did their communicat­ing by computer anyway; the computer does not know the office hours, you can program them to commute any time of day, night. I say no to daylight saving, as will the majority of Qlders. It’s only the minority in the far southeast of the state who want the push. MH, Athol

LE, Harristown. You have it wrong – They are the ones with social/acceptance problems! They need pity because they are so insecure. Where can I meet u on your run?

Referring to Mr Harch’s comments on fireworks, $40-$80 million is pocket change. Why shouldn’t the majority enjoy something once in a while. Mr Harch, you watched it also evidently.

SMS 2 Ed can be sent to 0437 875 203. Entries will be checked for taste and legal issues, but will run as they are received. We prefer they contain your initials and suburb. SMS’ over 80 words will not be used.

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