The Chronicle

Save lives


THE council is investigat­ing flood detention basins in Garnet Lehmann Park and Ballin Park. The only reason that this is being done is to reduce the flood levels downstream on the frequent minor floods and the 50 year major flooding. These are increasing both in frequency and size as the catchment area is being developed. These two sites appear the only suitable sites on

This park will not look anything like the glossy images that Council is proposing.

the catchment.

Over the years, we have had a number of drownings mainly involving children as well as the double drowning in 2011.

Children love to play at the edge of fast flowing floods as the spirit of adventure is predominan­t in children.

If the detention basins as proposed were in place, some of those children would not have been washed away and would have the privilege of growing up. The two people who died in 2011 would possibly have survived to tell their story.

The council now has two alternativ­es.

They can approve the cutting down of 150 trees and constructi­ng the detention basins or they can do nothing knowing that their action will surely result in the loss of lives.

One can replant trees to replace the ones cut down but one cannot bring drowned people back to life.

The fact that the number of inundated dwellings which will be saved from flooding has been quoted as small but even a small saving prevents the loss of memories of the past.

I know well the trees in the Garnet Lehmann Park having walked through them and enjoyed them and regret that some have to go for a worthwhile cause. Sometimes we have to lose something we love for the greater good.

PETER SHERIDAN, Kearneys Spring

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