The Chronicle


- SMS 2 Ed can be sent to 0437 875 203. Entries will be checked for taste and legal issues, but will run as they are received. We prefer they contain your initials and suburb. SMS’ over 80 words will not be used.

I am ashamed that we have uneducated people in parliament who think they can do anything they please and get away with it. The recent comments of Jo-Ann Miller are a complete disgrace. Unfortunat­ely I think she does represent a large slice of poorly educated Australia with little knowledge or much care of world history. In my oppinion there should be much more emphasis on teaching modern history in schools so kids understand the how and why of world events.

DV, Dalby

Yes, Brian Sayers, I agree. Enough is enough. At least this govt has started by taking the gold pass away. Hope it’s the first in a line of cuts in this area. Do other countries give ex heads such handouts?


To driver in Holden Captiva Fri 23/5. Drayton Rd is not 40k/h zone. People like u cause accidents.

BC, Mt Lofty

Mav, it’s just part of the job. Some people actually find it helpful. You can just say no thank you, it’s not hard. Bet you are one of the adults who are rude or show no manners to teens just doing their jobs. How would you like a grown up being rude to your child just doing their job? Chill out. It’s just a moment of your life, not life and death.

Mav, staff are only saying what they are trained to say. If you don’t like it stay home and prepare your own food. Better for you, anyway.


To Colin Wallace re death of hope. The tax payer pays for your children’s university education. They only have to pay it back at the lowest interest when they are earning over $50,000. All explained on Q&A on Monday.

BD, Twmba

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