The Chronicle



If school chaplains do not counsel students what the hell do they do? Perhaps fill young minds with 14th century hocus pocus!

L. Hamilton, Nth Twmba

Totally agree with DP Wellcamp I live at western end of Hursley Rd flight path dramatical­ly changed in the last 3 months.

Ce, Torrington

RE shops in new centre another Dymocks. Good bookstores hard to find

Foreign Minister Julia Bishop must allow all Australian­s who wish to fight with ISIS to go. Once they are over there, cancel their passports and don’t let them back. Do not bring in laws preventing them from going. If they are stopped from going they will vent their anger here in Australia.

We had the U.S cop show. Then WA followed by Gold Coast and NT Patrols. Now it is Tasmania’s turn. Yes... two officers wearing issue pith helmets snack on apples and choc in hot pursuit of a thief on a Malvern Star with the rear wheel webbing and upswept bars in a Ford Anglia. Then head off to a 92 yr old protestor of the Dam The Franklin rally.

LB, Twmba

To the woman driving the white Corolla at i/s of McDougall and Glenvale who came to a dead stop and waited to give way to approachin­g ute on her right about 100m away. If you had of proceeded onto the roundabout he had to give way to you. Yes to his left. Learn the damn roundabout rules.

Boris, Ton

ABC pushing global warming last Thursday. Female announcer breathless­ly stated walruses and sea lions couldn’t beach because of rapidly melting ice at poles. Antarctica

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