The Chronicle

Think how you can make our community better


“NEW Year, new you” tends to be the crux of our aspiration­al resolution­s for the year ahead. Whether it’s a case of more exercise or less stress, it’s a time when we, briefly, focus on personal improvemen­t.

But there’s an opportunit­y to think bigger; to think about how we can change the lives of others just by committing to a fairer, more cohesive and ultimately richer community in the year ahead.

I am heartened to see the disability conversati­on grabbing headlines, through the introducti­on the National Disability Insurance Scheme. I am hopeful that this seismic, philosophi­cal and financial shift will just be the start of a nation-wide movement towards valuing difference.

We need an Australia where people, regardless of difference, have the same opportunit­ies to take part in all aspects of community life, and that all people – no matter what their abilities are – have a sense of belonging and respect.

We live in a world fixated by difference. A world where we see the disability before we see the person. A person with ambitions and goals, feelings, thoughts and talents like anyone else. Let’s resolve to do better in 2017, in the language we use, the time we give, and the choices we make.

Because great change doesn’t start with government; it starts with you, and it starts with me. — ANDREW DONNE, CEO Endeavour Foundation

Republic debate

HERE we go again, popularity in turmoil – let’s re-divert the public’s minds to the Republican debate. So scripted Malcolm, that it is actually getting sad.

The Australian PM is under oath to serve the Commonweal­th of Australia and yet Malcolm Turnbull has chosen to abuse this oath by being instrument­al in destabilis­ing our entire system of government as we know it.

He has just taken millions away from the aged pensioners yet, does not blink an eye at the financial cost a Republic would entail, not only in establishi­ng it but also, in maintainin­g it.

He states that “the Constituti­on does not belong to the Parliament, or the judges, it belongs to the people. Only they can amend it.”

Really? Where is our promised plebiscite for the people to have a say for/against gay marriage?

The only thing I would like to amend is stopping the select few from having the power to destabilis­e the Prime Ministersh­ip because of fear for their jobs and the ensuing pensions that come with long term office.

Sadly, what is best for the country, does not even come into the equation any more.

It is obvious, you could not bring yourself to embrace Christmas on behalf of Christian Australia for fear of upsetting immigrants.

However, if you think a Republic is going to replace the Joy of Christmas and the unificatio­n it brings, you may as well resign now.

Waiting in the wings for our beloved Queen to die is so obscene and so un-Australian that it is a new low point – even for you.

It does nothing except embarrass and upset already disillusio­ned Australian­s. — H QUINN, Toowoomba

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