The Chronicle



Inflatable world

There was once an inflatable school. All the buildings were inflatable, the furniture was inflatable, the teachers were inflatable and the children were inflatable.

Once a week, all the children had their turn at show and tell.

When it was Inflatable Johnny’s turn, he took along a safety pin, and as he was demonstrat­ing how it worked, he accidental­ly stuck it in the blackboard.

It deflated. The teacher yelled in protest, and as Johnny turned to face her, he accidental­ly stuck her with the pin. She deflated.

Panicking, Johnny ran out in the corridor, accidental­ly sticking the pin into everyone and everything he came into contact with.

Finally, it was just Johnny and the headmaster who, as he tried to grab hold of Johnny, managed to get both of them stuck by the pin. As they slowly deflated, the headmaster shook his head and said sadly, “Son, you’ve let your teacher down, you’ve let me down, you’ve let the whole school down but, worst of all, you’ve let yourself down.”

The conference

A psychother­apist returned from a conference in the Rocky mountains, where the delegates spent more time on the icy ski slopes than attending lectures and seminars.

When she got back, her husband asked her, “So, how did it go?”

“Fine,” she replied, “but I’ve never seen so many Freudians slip.”

Happily married

“Now that looks like a happily married couple,” remarked the husband.

“Don’t be too sure, dear,” began the wife.

“They’re probably saying the same thing about us.”

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