The Chronicle

Conflict responsibl­e for MH17

Dutch trial may be welcome by some, says Guard son

- Tara Miko tara.miko@thechronic­

THE son of two Toowoomba doctors killed in the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 believes a trial prosecutin­g those responsibl­e for the 2014 atrocity will provide a small measure of closure for some victims’ families.

Paul Guard said the Australian Government’s commitment to supporting Dutch authoritie­s who this week said they would proceed with the trial would be welcome by some, but he maintained the responsibi­lity rested with all soldiers involved in the conflict.

Mr Guard’s parents Roger and Jill Guard were among the 298 people killed when the plane was shot down over an identified conflict zone in Ukraine in July, 2014.

A trial will be held in a Dutch court under Dutch law, prosecutin­g in absentia a defendant possibly from Russia, according to reports.

“Personally I’ve always blamed the conflict itself because I don’t believe anyone intended to bring down a passenger plane,” Mr Guard said.

“I blame all the soldiers involved in the conflict.

“Both sides had those weapons; it could have been either side.

“I also blame Malaysia Airlines because after the safety board report, alarm bells should have sounded.”

Mr Guard was pessimisti­c about the trial’s success but was not surprised it had been announced or that the Australian Government had declared its support.

He said the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia would complicate the trial, and would have preferred more focus be put on resolving it peacefully.

“I would have just preferred to see the focus put on resolving the conflict,” he said.

“Not enough pressure is being put on both sides.

“I personally don’t have much investment in the trial and I blame the conflict rather than the individual, but I fully expected it that they (Dutch authoritie­s) would announce it.”

Mr Guard said Malaysian Airlines was yet to extend a settlement offer to his family despite the two-year time frame set out by the Montreal Convention.

He accused Malaysian Airlines of “dragging out” the process which he said had seen him become involved in a civil class action against the airline.

“We just want that sorted out as soon as possible,” he said.

July 17 will mark three years since the disaster.

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