The Chronicle

Godless cesspool

- — DAN McCABE, Centenary Heights

HOW sad. How very sad for his daughter, in particular.

That’s all I could feel as I read Owen Jacques’ column “Aussies are losing their religion” (TC, 01/07).

Jacques was commenting, gleefully, on the latest census data which revealed the decline in those Australian­s ticking the religion box.

Beauty, he implied, 30% of us ticked “no religion”. Yipee. And he states, my daughter will soon be doing likewise – you can see Jacques’ heart swelling with pride.

But, let’s step back for a minute or two and look at the implicatio­ns of this decline and what others have described as a “(descent) into a godless cesspool” - not that this scares Jacques.

Writing a commentary in The Australian, Jennifer Oriel paints a rather bleaker picture on this decline in her article “Faithless Australian­s may lose more than just God” (03/07).

Without going into all the salient points she makes – you can do that for yourself – let me just highlight her main contention: “Christ gave us the soul of Western civilisati­on and the form of freedom. We owe Him more than scorn.”

Jacques picks at outmoded laws on abortion and extols the virtues of gay marriage – just “good sense”, he argues. He doesn’t, however, speak about the many laws based on Christian virtues which are “core values” says Oriel, “of Western society” – “prohibitio­ns against murder, adultery, stealing, bearing false witness” etc.

Now, I’m not a card carrying Christian; I’m no “born again” (though I respect and have met such people) but I do see inherent dangers for a society where each person becomes its own little god.

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