The Chronicle



1 What is the capital city of the US state of Hawaii?

2 Who played the character Red in the film The Shawshank Redemption?

3 Which direction does the Italian word sinistra mean in English?

4 In which 1989 film did Macaulay Culkin star opposite John Candy?

5 What was Marxist revolution­ary Che Guevara’s real first name?

6 Which actress played Dexter’s sister Debra Morgan in the TV series Dexter?

7 Who was The Beatles manager from 1961 until his death in 1967?

8 In Australian politics, who was Leader of the Opposition from 1990 to 1994?

9 What was invented in 1711 by British musician John Shore?

10 In which sport are the terms “stale fish’’ and “mulekick’’ used?

11 The name jenga is derived from a word meaning “build’’ in which language?

12 Who played the Penguin in the film Batman Returns?

13 In 1963, what was the name given to the five spy members who included Kim Philby, Donald Maclean and Guy Burgess?

14 US Army virologist Robert Neville was the main character in which film?

15 Which musical is about the students who attend Rydell High?

16 In which country is the Dasht-e Lut desert?

17 What is the housekeepe­r’s name in the TV sitcom The Brady Bunch?

18 Which planet in our solar system has the strongest gravity?

19 Who wrote the novel The Fault in Our Stars?

20 In the romantic comedy Love Actually, which supermodel does Daniel meet near the end of the film?

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