The Chronicle

Smith to press on with gay marriage bill


A LIBERAL senator is pressing ahead with a bill to allow same-sex marriage, labelling the government’s plebiscite policy “divisive” and aimed at delaying change.

West Australian senator Dean Smith will be among Liberal MPs attending a special party room meeting in Canberra on Monday, convened to discuss a way forward on the historic change to marriage laws.

Senator Smith (pictured) said allowing Liberal MPs a free vote in parliament on same-sex marriage was in line with the tradition of Robert Menzies and John Howard.

It also delivered on a key party principle – equality before the law for all people.

“The time is now for a parliament­ary vote on same-sex marriage,” he told Sky News.

The public had lost confidence in the idea of a plebiscite, describing it as a “tool for delay”.

Liberal colleagues have flagged the idea of a postal vote, which would not require parliament to pass a bill and would be cheaper.

Senator Smith said there were too many unknowns with postal votes, including the cost and the “very real considerat­ion” of a legal challenge.

He dismissed claims it was a test of Malcolm Turnbull’s leadership.

“Malcolm Turnbull will continue to be the leader up until the next election,” he said.

“This is not Malcolm Turnbull’s test. This is a test of every member of the parliament­ary Liberal Party.”


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