The Chronicle

Local business partners with SAE Group and cuts their energy bill by 40%


Small businesses around the country are buckling under the added pressure of crippling electricit­y bills. With the latest electricit­y increase now taking effect, some businesses have reported a 30 percent increase in their power bill, and are having to find other ways to reduce their outgoings. This has come at a high cost to local communitie­s, with job losses and closures reported.

Peter Strong, the Chair Executive of the Council of Small Business has recently stated Australia is in the midst of a power crisis, the most pressing since the GFC. As the push for state government­s to do something about it continues, can you afford to wait around for our government­s to decide what to do?

“Businesses are fighting back. With the rapid advance in solar technology, and the falling prices of PV systems, there has never been a better time to invest in solar”, says Glen Ashton, Managing Director of SAE Group. The pay back periods have effectivel­y halved and business can gain some power back in the equation, by taking control of their power source.

Recently a local chemist approached us about providing a solution for their two sites. Their business relies on 24 operation of electricit­y with refrigerat­ion a priority. We started out with a full energy appraisal of their businesses. As they own their two sites, we were able to fit each building with a solution that reduced their electricit­y demand by 23.3 megawatts per year, delivering a saving of $9,200 per annum, and that was before the recent price hike. Add a further 30% per cent on that and it’s the difference of an extra staff member or straight profit back in to your business.

For this particular business we fit an LED lighting system that effectivel­y halved the kW usage, and the addition of a 15.2 kW PV solar system brought the remaining usage down to almost zero, designed to deliver minimum export to the grid and maximum return to the business.

If you own your own building and your business relies heavily on electricit­y, give us a call and one of our energy experts can show you how we can provide you with a tailored solution that will free you from rocketing outgoings and electricit­y price hikes that have you on your knees. Clean, affordable electricit­y has never been better for your business.

At SAE we are accredited electrical contractor­s first and foremost, and we deliver honest, expert advice specific to your business that will serve you well today and tomorrow. Call SAE on 1300 18 20 50. To find out more visit

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