The Chronicle

Paleo Pete on the right way to poo: using a stool

- — Madeline Hoskin

IS THERE a correct way to go to the toilet?

According to controvers­ial TV chef “Paleo Pete” Evans, a lot of us could be doing it better – and he seems to be onto something.

Pete recently shared a picture of a stool designed to revolution­ise the way you release your ... err, stools.

It’s designed to help you squat over the toilet, rather than cramp your rectum’s style by sitting – and Pete and his family have been using a similar thing for years.

As the product’s website reads, “When you pop a squat, the anorectal angle is in perfect alignment. This means you’ll get cool stools, which are eliminated smoothly and quickly from the colon.

“In fact, although ever since we were kids we’ve been trained to sit firmly on the seat, this action alone completely prevents our body’s natural flow.”

Giulia Enders, author of Charming Bowels, told The Guardian squatting is not only faster, it’s a lot more natural for our bodies.

“1.2 billion people around the world who squat have almost no incidence of diverticul­osis and fewer problems with piles. We in the west, on the other hand, squeeze our gut tissue until it comes out of our bottoms.”

A lot of the comments on Pete’s Insta post seem to agree.

“I have a cheaper version after my son suffered years of bowel trouble,” one wrote.

“Feel funny now when I use a toilet that’s not mine and doesn’t have a squat stool. My friend loved it when she used my toilet and has now purchased one for herself. Every household should have one!”

“My husband first bought a little step for me back when I was pregnant with our eldest,” shared another. “We still use it!”

A lot of doctors recommend pregnant women and people with bowel problems opt for the squat method – and there are certainly proven benefits to this style of expulsion.

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