The Chronicle

Senator offers up document proof

- Tara Miko tara.miko@thechronic­

BARRY O’Sullivan tabled a series of documents in the Senate this week that proves he has no interest in Toowoomba company Newlands Civil Constructi­on which also has no contracts with the Commonweal­th of Australia.

Senator O’Sullivan had been questioned extensivel­y by Labor senators over his links to Newlands Civil Constructi­on Pty Ltd, a Toowoomba business owned by his son.

That company is a sub-contractor on the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing.

Labor had claimed the business had benefited from three contracts, partly Commonweal­th funded, worth up to $6 million.

A fiery exchange during the Senate question time on Thursday heard further questionin­g and inferences about Senator O’Sullivan, alleging a conflict of interest between his elected position of influence and the business deals.

Labor had claimed the conflict rendered Senator O’Sullivan ineligible to sit in federal parliament under Section 44 of the Australian Constituti­on.

In a personal statement to the Senate, the Toowoomba senator said the claims fielded by Labor had impacted his family and the reputation of the business which employs more than 100 people in the region.

“In recent days, I have been the subject of assertions made under the protection of parliament­ary privilege, directed at myself, that in effect says that either myself, or companies which I currently have an interest in; or have historical­ly had an interest in, have, or have had, either a direct, or indirect pecuniary interest in an agreement with the public service of the Commonweal­th of Australia,” he said.

“These assertions are designed to make the argument that I am somehow in breach of Section 44 (4) of the Constituti­on of Australia, and therefore asset by their inference that I am ineligible to sit in the senate representi­ng my state of Queensland.”

“In response, I can say that I have not now, nor have I ever used my position to influence any contract with the Commonweal­th of Australia.”

“It is not my company, has never been my company and the extracts from the Australian Securities and Investment Commission will verify that beyond any doubt.”

Among the documents tabled were those from Finance Minister Mathias Cormann and Infrastruc­ture Minister Darren Chester which Senator O’Sullivan said proved Newlands Civil Constructi­on had never held a contract with the Commonweal­th of Australia.

Read the senator’s full statement online at thechronic­

❝ I can say that I have not now, nor have I ever used my position to influence any contract with the Commonweal­th of Australia. — Senator Barry O’Sullivan

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