The Chronicle

Get prepared for the Spring selling season


SPRING is the perfect time to get your house in order.

Just like with a spring clean, the warmer weather and lead up to Summer can motivate you to throw open the windows and freshen up your home, says Loan Market.

If you’re looking to sell, Spring is the perfect time with September–November being a peak selling period in Australia.

Buyers are coming out of the woodwork, lured outside by the nicer weather, the attraction of blooming gardens and the desire to find a home before the end of the year.

Start preparing your home and finances now.

But where to start? A spring clean never goes amiss, especially if you focus on de-cluttering before tidying up.

Potential buyers want to visualise themselves in a home, so ensure that your property looks welcoming while still being a blank canvas. Take down any family photos or souvenirs.

You’ll also want a clear layout to the home for inspection­s, one that flows and is easy for people to follow.

Remove any clunky pieces of furniture that inhibit this flow or make it hard to move around.

Pull on a pair of gloves to clean the property, or hire profession­als.

Paying for profession­al cleaners can be a wise investment, as not only will they do the grunt work for you, they’ll have a keen eye for things you might miss (such as dirt and dust in high places like the ceiling or the top of window sills).

Wash any drapes, blankets and pillow cases, and open up the windows to get rid of any stale or cleaning chemical smells.

Gardens look their best at this time of year, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need a little help.

Mow the lawn, remove any weeds and prune any trees.

Again bringing in profession­als will save you time and can give you a more satisfacto­ry result.

Look at your property from across the street. Could the fence do with a new coat of paint, or perhaps the front door could be painted a brighter colour so it stands out?

To afford these expenses or improvemen­ts to your home, research which loans could help you.

There are specific renovation loans that can fund bigger changes to your house, whereas a personal loan can provide you with the money to pay cleaners, gardeners, painters, etc.

Another benefit of selling in Spring is the increasing hours of daylight, and this won’t cost you anything.

Observe at what time of the day your property looks its best, and arrange a viewing for then.

While selling in Spring means you’ll be up against more competitio­n, by being prepared you’ll be able to make the best use of this busy season.

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