The Chronicle




7. Produced a digital picture (13) 8. Tick Abel off as being in formal dress (5,3) 9. Gem that made Tony lose his head when he got a kiss (4) 10. With a concealed gun, he pins back with some hesitation (6) 12. There is a slight difference in copper, Anne... (6) 14. an English and French article (1,2) 15. British organisati­on that is back on the Far Eastern Island (6) 17. Getting behind in water-polo singles (6) 19. A fishing line found on a casual run (4) 21. Period in which arks aged unfortunat­ely (4,4) 23. Invisible species found the groom’s minicar (5-8)


1. Tune ship puts together will give you a lift (8) 2. A trophy for being a dummy at breakfast? (6) 3. Decree no “ahs!” from wraiths (4) 4. Nepal art is all to do with father (8) 5. Sang oracle with a goat (6) 6. Say you did not study male chromosome (4) 11. It is a type of a drip, Ron (8) 13. A section changed for the kayaker (8) 16. Attorneys set out with a clerk (6) 18. A farm wagon found in a ship for lovers (6) 20. Given free for total freedom (4) 22. Dancer gets germanium for the party (4)


Across: 1. Lobe, 3. Disposal, 8. Correspond­ing, 10. Self-indulgent, 11ac & 17dn. At some stage, 12. Hyphen, 15. Scatterbra­ins, 18. Encyclopae­dia, 19. Settlers, 20. Isle. Down: 1. Locks, 2. Burgles, 4. Impede, 5. Penalty area, 6. Skive, 7. Lighten, 9. Enigmatica­l, 11. Answers, 13. Hairdos, 14. Ardour, 16. Ascot.

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