The Chronicle

SSM smoke screen

- . TRICIA AGAR Bush Kids Facebook .

AS I SIT here at my kitchen table, trying to gather my thoughts to write this column, rural Queensland is groaning under the burden of trying to hold on until the life-giving rains start to fall. Many people are on their knees bombarding the gates of heaven with prayers as the weather is something that man cannot control, contrary to what climate change advocates would have us believe.

When the land has turned to dust and every bush is being stripped bare, as the livestock forage to find the nutrients to stay alive, the reality of grass seems as though it belongs to a distant dream; man and beast being pushed to the very limit of their endurance.

Those of us who live and breathe agricultur­e are searching every day for hope.

It would appear that the people of agricultur­e are invisible to most of the urban based Australian population, irrelevant in their lives, unconnecte­d as being the producers of the very food that they buy at the supermarke­ts, or the fibre they wear on their bodies, or the leather of their shoes. Nameless, faceless, non-entities.

As the primary producer focuses on keeping their breeding herds and flocks alive, spending money on fodder like a drunk at the bar, desperate for the hope that tomorrow brings, yet with single-minded blindness, the Australian population has been galvanised into a debate on Same Sex Marriage that threatens the very fabric and bedrock of our society, ripping every bit of oxygen out of the air, pulverisin­g any opposition and screaming for blood, all the while chanting the mantra of “love is love”.

It seems to me that our society has gone mad. The primary producers of this land who represent only 3% of the population, are expected to cop every new rule and regulation that government, environmen­talist and animal liberation­ists can heap on us, suffocatin­g under the burden of red and green tape, having the right to the debt of their business, but not to the control of their destiny, as this is being stripped away as each day passes, as the relentless march toward socialism and fulfilling the Marxist agenda goes on unabated.

The people of agricultur­e keep feeding their fellow man with nearly zero assistance from government, adding to the economy of Australia every day by the sweat of their brow, handwork and innovation and tenacity, and yet a much smaller percentage of the population scream about “injustice” and the government of Australia falls over itself to spend 121 million dollars to try and quieten the mad mob.

When will Australia wake up and realise that this smoke screen of SSM has a much sinister side driven by a Marxist agenda? Does a truly successful society pander to the individual by changing the laws of the land to appease a few so their feelings don’t get hurt, or would it be more prudent to ask as an individual, “what can I do to help my nation”?

When you eat your dinner tonight, please consider the 3% of the population without any fanfare and very little money from the public purse.

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