The Chronicle

MP ready to pull rug out on Turnbull

- – Ben Graham

CHAOS is on the cards after a threat from a Coalition MP to quit next month, leaving the Prime Minister with a minority government.

Sky News commentato­r Andrew Bolt reported the unnamed pollie would only stay if Malcolm Turnbull was replaced by a leader who could appeal to conservati­ve voters.

The threat has left deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop urging her colleague to discuss his concerns with her or the PM.

The anonymous lower house MP told Bolt: “This government has left the party and the values of the party.

“It is miles away from what our rank and file say.

“People tell me Malcolm Turnbull can’t make decisions, he dithers ... the final thing they say is that he’s a million miles from our values.”

The timing couldn’t be worse for the Government as Barnaby Joyce and John Alexander fight by-elections after having to quit and renounce dual citizenshi­p.

The Turnbull Government now holds just 74 of the 148 seats in the House of Representa­tives.

Ms Bishop told Sky News she was not aware of an MP holding these views but would be “very concerned” if it were the case.

“If they are thinking that way I’d hope they’d come and talk to me or talk to the Prime Minister about their concerns rather than talking to the media,” she told Sky News.

“If somebody really is concerned, well then, please come and talk to us. My door’s always open.”

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