The Chronicle

Flawed Milo has exposed the Left


IFACED the whooping crowd at the first stop of Milo Yiannopoul­os’s tour, which violent protesters are trying to stop.

“You believe in free speech,” I cried. They cheered.

“You believe in civilisati­on.” They cheered again.

But then, having introduced Milo, I listened by the side of the Adelaide stage and felt sicker and sicker. Civilisati­on?

I saw Milo, the US-based conservati­ve provocateu­r, screen a picture of Clementine Ford, the Australian feminist provocateu­r, and call her “unf---able”.

I heard him call former Prime Minister Julia Gillard a “pr--k”. I heard him say Muslim asylum seekers were skilled at raping women. As it went on I rang my wife in a panic: “What do I do?”

How could I be associated with something so counter to what I consider civilisati­on? How could I let free speech seem nothing more than a licence to be savage?

Should I walk out, or go back on stage for my planned Q&A with Milo and reprimand him to his face? Which I did.

Friends, I have been on a journey with Milo and it has not been easy.

I first heard of Milo Yiannopoul­os because Leftists tried to shut down his Dangerous

Faggot tour of American universiti­es, punching and screaming and even burning.

And I agreed to MC the first two events of his Australian tour — in Adelaide and Perth — because WA Premier

Mark McGowan declared Milo “not welcome” in his state.

That’s how Milo’s haters have created him. The thugs who now attack his audiences in

Sydney and Melbourne are precisely why so many people flock to his defence and come to his shows.

Some 14,000 people have bought tickets to his Australian tour — a huge result for a visiting 33-year-old political spruiker vilified by almost every media organisati­on.

But more than give Milo publicity, those rioters have demonstrat­ed exactly what he most preaches against — the frightenin­g shutting down of debate. How I hate that and for me it’s personal. I had a book launch in Melbourne cancelled after serious threats of violence from the Left and I was physically attacked by masked Antifa protesters when about to launch an academic’s book on Donald Trump.

The people I spoke to at

Milo’s shows have had a gutful of this kind of bullying, which is getting worse and more violent.

I’ve seen commentato­rs denounce Milo as a “neo-Nazi” and heard haters outside his Sydney show scream “racist, sexist, anti-queer, Milo is not welcome here”.

Milo’s fans know they lie. In fact, Milo has Jewish ancestry, is flamboyant­ly gay and says his husband is black. He is exactly what the Left should love in this age of identity politics.

None of the fans I met resembled Nazis, either, and some of Milo’s most shocking lines got a muted response. But many fans told me they give Milo a pass because they see him as a performer, deliberate­ly camping it up on stage to give himself more licence to shock — just as Barry Humphries, when dressed as Edna, gets away with the nastiest comments and remains an ABC darling. Milo’s audience don’t take seriously all he says, but do take very seriously that he defies the authoritar­ians trying to stop him saying it. They love, too, how the reaction of his haters exposes them as utter, utter hypocrites.

That is what Milo’s fans pay good money to see — someone poking the feral Leftist bear and exposing it as tatty and toothless. How they laugh.

I now look again at what Milo said in his show that most shocked me and compare it with the abuse the Left dishes out without ever being disowned by the institutio­ns now trashing this one gay guy from the Right. Marieke Hardy is the new artistic director of the Melbourne Writers Festival despite her writing: “Tony Abbott, I hope your c--k drops off.” Clementine Ford is an ABC regular despite calling conservati­ve columnist Miranda Devine “a f---ing c---”. Benjamin Law, a gay provocateu­r of the Left, remains an ABC darling despite writing that he’d like to “hatef---” opponents of gay marriage.

Then there’s the pious new racism of the Left, with Deakin University holding a conference last October with the lead lecture Don’t Talk To White People.

And we see this violence of the Left — a vicious rage against one man who dares fight back with its own weapons. Who wouldn’t pay for such a show?

Thanks for exposing the Left, Milo. It’s been — mostly — a pleasure.

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