The Chronicle

Experience causes hare to stand up


TOOWOOMBA man was enjoying his morning stroll to work from his little side street and through the maze of streets leading to his workplace when he encountere­d something of a hare-raising experience.

“Fortunatel­y I was only going slowly, for without warning a mad hare dashed out from the garden on the left and charged full tilt across the road so close in front of me I thought he went under the car,” the surprised pen-pusher said.

“It streaked into the park opposite, made a wide swerve and without slowing down raced back across in front of me again, onto the grass verge, curved around again back onto the road and, still at full gallop, weaved his way back and forth across the bitumen as he went down the street.

“Then figuring he had gained enough distance on me, looked back and celebrated by doing a stiff-legged pogo-bounce as it continued on his way. “Like a kid on a new bike.” Whispers figures the hare was just getting in a bit of a pre-Christmas workout to ensure he could tuck into some extra treats on Monday.

Forward planning

TOOWOOMBA lady was enjoying a regular catch-up with her 10-year-old niece when, as kids often do, she came well out of left field with an absolute eyebrow-raiser.

The doting aunt was somewhat stunned when Miss 10 turned to her and said, “When I grow up I want to get married and have kids and I want them to put me to sleep to get the baby out of my tummy”.

Apparently the trend for 2017 was women knowing exactly how they wanted their births to pan out well ahead of time, but age 10 might be pushing things a little.

Vampire cookies

TWO work ladies were discussing making gingerbrea­d cookies for the festive season.

Luckily, a recipe was on hand in The Chronicle this week.

However one was a little concerned when the other lass asked “clove? Is that a garlic clove?”

Thankfully the cooking disaster was avoided otherwise the cookies might have been better suited at Halloween to ward off vampires rather than enjoyed as a festive treat.

Secret admirer

WORKERS at a Toowoomba office are becoming concerned about the possibilit­y of a stalker in the neighbourh­ood.

It all started a few weeks ago when one worker had a nasty note left on his windscreen suggesting his parking was arrogant.

Well enough, and it was probably true to be quite honest, at least according to his amused workmates.

But the plot thickened further in the coming weeks.

Next up was a worker in the same office who returned to her car after a long day at work to find an envelope on the windscreen.

Immediatel­y assuming she had forgotten to pay for her parking, her heart sank.

Upon closer inspection though, the envelope actually had the following scrawled on it:

“Will you go out on a blind date. My number is

0422 ****** You’re beautiful.”

Not sure whether to be creeped out or amused, she put the incident out of her mind.

That was until underwear began showing up in other places in the neighbourh­ood, first on a different car owned by a co-worker and later hung on a fence.

The whole office is beginning to wonder...

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