The Chronicle

You too can take the gold

We can learn a lot from our elite athletes – and not just about sport


WE LOVE sport. We’ll watch anything that is played well. So watching the Commonweal­th Games was two weeks of sporting heaven.

While we were enjoying some remarkable sporting achievemen­ts from the stands, we also marvelled at the focus, training and performanc­e of the athletes. How they had prepared for success.

It had us wondering whether some of those same techniques the athletes use could be adapted to managing our finances better. Interestin­gly, quite a few cross over.

Their success has been built on some key principles and strategies which, you soon realise, can be easily adopted by all of us in building a winning financial plan.

So we thought we’d move away from everyday finance this week to look at the investing lessons to learn from elite athletes.


The Hockeyroos, Diamonds, Opals, in fact most elite sports teams, are built around stars who are world class. They’re in a league of their own.

These superstars provide an important foundation for winning and a consistenc­y of success. They deliver consistent­ly high quality performanc­es and, likewise, investors need to put elite star investment­s at the core of their portfolio and build the rest of their group around them.

That’s not to say you can throw darts at the board after that in the hope of landing the next Ariarne Titmus, because speculatin­g is a dangerous game in investing. However, if you do have quality investment­s at the foundation, the other potentiall­y rising stars can complement them rather than be relied on to carry the portfolio’s performanc­e.

Having said that, don’t underestim­ate the troops. Those second-tier investment­s in a portfolio can come with a little risk, and some inconsiste­ncy, but they can often produce stronger upside often from a low base.


Elite athletes and sports teams constantly benchmark their performanc­e against competitor­s and themselves. While obviously they want to win, simply being better and showing constant improvemen­t is just as important.

They set targets, and milestones, which reflect stages in their preparatio­n or different times of year as they build up to an event.

Again, it’s the same with investing. Measuring performanc­e of the entire portfolio and breaking it down to the individual investment­s. Benchmarki­ng their role in achieving an overall result and whether their performanc­e is as good as the competitio­n. If not, then changes may be needed.


The old coaches’ cliche is to “take it one week at a time”. And while this sounds like a bit of a cop-out to avoid looking too far ahead, it’s a rock solid approach that carries weight in investing.

As most athletes will tell you, there’s not a lot of value in dwelling on the past or looking too far into the future, because to deliver your best performanc­e you need to be completely focused on the game in front of you.

The same goes for smart investing. Don’t anchor your investment decisions in the past … whether that’s the price you paid for something or the past performanc­e of a company … because that informatio­n rarely matters. Instead, put your energy into making the best decision for the future based on the situation you’re in today.

Yes have a big picture investment strategy to produce a “finals” like return, but the little steps in between provide the journey to the end goal.


Just as every successful athlete surrounds themselves with a team of coaches and assistants, every investor should leverage the expertise of people who know parts of the investing world better than they do.

A common theme from post-race interviews at the Commonweal­th Games was athletes thanking coaches and support crew for playing a crucial role in their success. This is particular­ly important for casual investors, who often shy away from seeking profession­al advice, even when they’re unsure about an investment decision.

It might be paying for property inspection­s or getting the guidance of a sharp equities adviser. Whatever the case, it’s crucial to recognise your strengths and weaknesses and use experts that complement your skill set.

And, if you can’t afford the very best financial coach, look for those who have worked for, and learnt from, the best.


Similar to how the successful Ugandan netball team played a basic, but aggressive, style compared with the slicker sophistica­ted game plan of the Diamonds, you need to find an investing style that suits you. This means building a portfolio according to your risk profile, age and goals. Recognise how comfortabl­e you are taking on risk, plan your investment­s to deliver the financial support you need at different stages of your life, and set firm goals to work toward and guide the way you invest.

Only once you’ve bedded down this profile and worked out an investing style that suits, should you pick up the financial ball. We both reckon we’ve become better businesspe­ople and investors from observing elite sport through AFL and examining the Commonweal­th Games. Hopefully with a few of these lessons, you can become a better investor too.

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