The Chronicle

Panthers stop Valleys Fillies comeback

- Sean Teuma

RUGBY LEAGUE: A spirited effort wasn’t enough for the Valleys Fillies to pick up their first win of the season, as they went down 22-12 to the West Brisbane Panthers at Herb Steinohrt Oval on Sunday.

With men’s A-grade mentor Brett Seymour taking control of the team for the game, the Fillies found themselves down 6-0 in just the second set of play.

They eventually settled into their groove and started applying pressure of their own, but were unable to crack a tough Panthers defensive unit.

The lead would stretch out to 10 after 15 minutes, before the injection of the team’s Crows representa­tives.

Their effort eventually turned into reward in the 22nd minute, as Kaylah Pearce finished off a sweeping backline movement, as they trailed 14-4 at the break.

A 40/20 kick five minutes into the second half saw the Panthers lead stretch to 16, before the Fillies knuckled down.

Liana Madigan capitalise­d off a set play off the scrum to touch down in the corner, be- fore Kiara Taylor crossed with just five minutes remaining to cut the lead to just 10.

Coach David McColl said it was an improved performanc­e from his side with mistakes hurting them in the first half.

“Out of the eight times we dropped the ball on first tackle, they scored three times.

“Our fitness was far superior, they were walking back when we scored a try.

“They were that worried that they went for a penalty goal.

“As soon as we start competing for the whole 70 minutes, we’ll win.

“When they start learning to believe in themselves they’ll win more games.”

The team was preparing to be without their five representa­tives after playing in Mackay on Saturday, before receiving a pleasant surprise.

“They got back just before kick-off, which shows their keenness,” he said.

“The plane landed and they raced back up here and got in just as the girls were kicking off.”

Photo: Nev Madsen

 ??  ?? TRY TIME: Kaylah Pearce celebrates the first Valleys Fillies’ try in their game against West Brisbane.
TRY TIME: Kaylah Pearce celebrates the first Valleys Fillies’ try in their game against West Brisbane.

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