The Chronicle

Happy birthday Hospice


THE team at the Toowoomba Hospice celebrated this week with a special 15th birthday cake made by one of their volunteers.

Hospice chairman Graham Barron said the team was excited about celebratin­g the Hospice’s 15th birthday with the cake made by Barb Bissett.

“By having a light morning tea and this beautiful cake has enabled us to share this milestone of providing free palliative care to our community with our staff, volunteers, clients and their families,” he said.

Mr Barron, who has been a volunteer himself for more than 21 years, expressed his admiration for the achievemen­ts of staff, volunteers and supporters during the 15 years.

Hospice Director of Nursing Allison Leech said palliative care was an approach that improved the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatenin­g illness.

“At the Toowoomba Hospice we have a duty of care to provide the best care to reduce distress and pain,” she said.

“Palliative Care seeks to make the body comfortabl­e enough to get on with the real business of living and dying.

“In the words of Dame Cicely Saunders, founder of the modern hospice movement, who would have been 100: ‘You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life. We will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die’.”

 ?? Photo: Contribute­d ?? SPECIAL CAKE: Celebratin­g the Hospice’s 15th birthday are (from left) Hospice Director of Nursing Allison Leach, Hospice Chairman Graham Barron and volunteer Barb Bissett, who made the cake.
Photo: Contribute­d SPECIAL CAKE: Celebratin­g the Hospice’s 15th birthday are (from left) Hospice Director of Nursing Allison Leach, Hospice Chairman Graham Barron and volunteer Barb Bissett, who made the cake.

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